Missing in Cardiff

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Out in Cardiff, Arnold was walking back to his hotel when he realized it was almost dark out and he needed to find the hotel. He soon noticed the Cardiff castle where he was before his sightseeing started, and to his right was the hotel. Soon, he walked right through the front door and went up to his room. He had finished his dinner before the sun went out at half past 8 in the evening.

Back in Pontypandy,

Sam and Station Officer Steele were discussing their next duties while Ellie was home in bed after she had been taken ill. "Right, with Ellie out for the night, it will be just you, me, Penny, and Elvis tonight, Sam." He said as he checked the duty roster.

Sam looked worried, he was more concerned about Arnold when he was talking with his senior officer. So, he decided to ask him. "Er, sir. I know this is not a good time to ask, but do you think Arnold is alright up in Cardiff?"

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be alright, Sam. He's probably safe in the Hotel right now."

"Hm. I'm not too sure about that, sir."

"What makes you say that?"

"I think he is probably out in the middle of nowhere."

"Oh, I think you should give him a call then, Sam."

"Good idea, sir."

Sam went over to the phone to call Arnold. Up in Cardiff, Arnold was just writing in his diary when Sam called on his phone. He wasn't surprised that his fellow firefighter would be checking in to see if he is alright. So he answered it. "Hello, Sam." he called as he picked up the phone.

"Hello, Arnold. I was just checking in to see if you made it to the Hotel."

Arnold was puzzled. He didn't know that Sam was checking in on him if he was already in the hotel. "Don't worry, Sam. I'm alright and I'm safe and sound." he replied as he put away his diary in his backpack.

Sam was pleased to hear that Arnold was safe in the hotel. He then decided to let him get some rest so he can come home tomorrow. "Ok, that's great. Stay safe, Arnold." he said to his new recruit.

"I will, Sam."

"Thanks, Arnold. Bye."

"Bye, Sam."

Sam and Arnold hung up the phone, and Sam returned to where Station Officer Steele was. "Well, what did he say, Sam?" he asked.

"The good news is that Arnold is safe in the Hotel."

"Thank you, Sam. I was starting to get worried for a moment."

Back in Cardiff, Arnold was finishing his evening tea before he went to bed. It was wonderful for him to see the sights of Cardiff. I better go and visit the Cardiff Fire academy tomorrow. He thought. Moments later, Arnold stood up from the chair in his hotel room and found his pyjamas so he could get ready for bed.

Back at the Fire Station, Sam was walking up to the kitchen when he noticed Penny was taping up Elvis' arm with a bandage. He was surprised to see his firefighter injure himself at the Station. Sam walked over and he sighed "What happened here?" he asked.

"Sorry, Sam. I was making some tea for all of us when all of a sudden, the mug fell and broke leaving pieces flying into me, then I picked all of them up and now it was red."

Penny was not surprised that Elvis would be terrible at balancing the tea cups on top of each of them. "Oh, Elvis. Sam was just coming in to find out that you just went crazy with tea tonight."

"I know, Penny."

Sam looked at them, then at the mess Elvis left. He then turned back to his firefighters. "Elvis, I think you need to relax for a moment. Maybe next time, ask one of us for help with the mugs, ok?"

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now