Arnold the Hero

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Out at the Fire Station, Station Officer Steele was waiting for him so he could talk to him about the last rescue, Sam was soon back from the emergency call. "Hello, Sam." he said as his leading firefighter walked into his Office.

"Hello, sir." Sam replied.

"So, what happened out there in the mountains?"

"I think we know that Norman Price was on the edge again, he was not wearing any safety gear."

Station Officer Steele was puzzled, he wasn't sure that they needed Venus. So, he asked him about Tom. "Have you called Tom Thomas about you needing the helicopter, Sam?"

"I did, sir. He was in the air already."

"Alright, Sam. You can go on and clean Jupiter now. I think Elvis might need a hand."

Sam was surprised, he didn't know that Elvis would be busy cleaning Jupiter for a long time. So he went downstairs to find him. "Elvis, would you like some help? Station Officer Steele told me you could use a hand cleaning Jupiter."

Elvis thought for a moment. He wanted to finish the job, but he realized that he couldn't reach the ladder. So he turned and looked at Sam. "Oh. Yes, please, Sam."

"Right, I'll get the roof, and you will finish at the tires."

"Right-o, Sam."

Soon, Sam and Elvis were hard at work cleaning Jupiter. Up in the Kitchen, Penny was cleaning the tea mugs when Ellie walked in looking very pale. She went to the lounge and leaned back on the sofa. Penny was worried, she went over to see what was wrong with Ellie. "Ellie, are you ok?"

"No, Penny. I don't feel too good."

Penny was confused at why Ellie would be feeling ill. So she placed her right hand on her forehead and pulled it back after she noticed that she had a fever. "I think you need to go home and rest. You may have been burning up with a fever, Ellie."

"No wonder Arnold didn't notice before he left."

"I know, Ellie. I know."

"I think you better tell Station Officer Steele that I'm going home for a while."

"Why don't I tell him, Ellie. I'll take you home in Venus."

"Ok, Penny."

Penny went down to his office to inform him that Ellie was very ill and she is taking her home. Station Officer Steele was busy on his computer reading messages from HQ when he heard someone at the door. "Come on in, Penny." he called from his desk."Sir, I'm taking Ellie home in Venus for the day."

"Oh, and what's up with her?"

"I noticed that she had a fever this morning when she came in, but I didn't know until now."

Station Officer Steele was looking at the time on his watch, then he frowned. He wasn't sure why one of his firefighters would be ill while Arnold was away. So, he had to suggest the idea that Penny would take her home. "Oh, dear. Well, I suggest you take her home then."

"Yes, sir. I'll let her know."

Penny went back to the kitchen to find Ellie asleep on the couch. So, she walked over and knelt down beside her. Ellie started to wake up with Penny right beside her. She never realized it would be that bad for her to be working in the condition she is in. "What is it, Penny?" she asked tiredly.

Penny looked at Ellie who was sleepy, then she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ellie, Station Officer Steele said it's fine that I take you home."

"Ok, Penny."

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now