Arnold's checkup

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Out on the road back to Pontypandy, Elvis and Sam were driving back to the Station when Elvis decided to ask Sam about what Station Officer Steele was going to say if Arnold's ankle was broken. "I wonder what Station Officer Steele would say about Arnold if he had broken his ankle." He asked over the radio on Hydrus.

"Who knows, Elvis. Maybe he won't be upset with Arnold about that. I'll tell him when we get back to the station, and when we get back, can you put the kettle on for some tea tonight, please?"

"Ok, Sam. I'll have some tea ready tonight."

Elvis was thinking about what Sam had said. He was soon remembering the time when he broke his leg while mopping the floors at the Station near Venus while singing to his music. Just as they were turning past the flood's house, Sam had to stop because there was a go-kart in the middle of the road and Norman Price was racing down the road followed by Mandy, but she didn't move until Sam was past. Sam noticed that she was not like Norman when it comes to go-karts. So, he went over from Mercury to see what was going on. "Are you alright, Mandy?" he asked when he knelt down beside Mandy.

Mandy was surprised that Sam had found out that she was behind Norman, she didn't want to tell him that she was ok. So, she looked at Sam and told him what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Fireman Sam. I just wasn't feeling like racing down the road without letting you pass by. Norman was too fast and I couldn't keep up. He is probably down there laughing at me by my house right now. Before that, Norman and I were in the park when I was catching up with him. I then fell and landed on my arm, I'm not sure if it's broken. Norman was telling me that I am ok, but I am not. I feel like I did something wrong."

Sam and Mandy looked back at her house to find Norman laughing at her while recording it all to send to Sarah, James, and Hannah. Soon, they looked away from Norman. Sam was worried about Mandy. "Don't worry, Mandy. I'll talk to him later. Right now I can see that you are hurt. I'll see if your mum can help." he said getting up to walk to where Helen and Mike were. Mike was in his workshop working on his next project for the big event in Pontypandy in the month of November.

"Ok, Sam."

So, he walked over to the house and knocked on the door. Helen answered the door, it was dark out as the team had returned from Cardiff without Penny and Ellie as they were with Arnold in the Hospital. "Hello, Sam. Is something wrong?" she asked looking around the area.

"I'm afraid that Mandy was with Norman with their go-karts and Norman raced down past me and Elvis, Mandy was behind as she was waiting for me to pass by. However, I think that she may have a medical emergency before this happened."

Helen looked over by Mercury, and she could see Mandy in her go-kart which was stopped by where Mercury was. Mandy was holding her arm as she was worried that she might've broken it. She grabbed her first aid kit and walked out into the night with Sam.

"Ok, Sam. I know that they were coming home right now and Norman was bringing her home with their go-karts."

Elvis was sitting in Hydrus as he was waiting for Sam to move Mercury, but he was soon looking behind him to see Sam and Helen walk past him, then he saw Mandy over by Mercury and he noticed something was wrong. So, he decided to see what was wrong. "Sam, is everything alright?" he asked, catching up to them.

"No, Elvis. Norman was racing down the road past both of us and Mandy was slow to catch up to him. We're worried that she might've broken her arm. I'll be having a talk with Norman about this. Can you come with me so we can talk to Norman about his racing?"

"Ok, Sam."

Sam and Elvis were walking over to talk to Norman Price who was waiting outside the workshop, he was still recording the video when he later noticed Sam and Elvis walk towards his area. He turned off the recording so he could talk to them. He was looking like he had done something wrong.

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now