Chapter 21🌹

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Who knew that Jungkook was a great baker?

I sure didn't I it was surprising when Jungkook baked cakes and muffins, all of my favourites by the way and I just feasted on the best chocolate cake ever with chocolate frosting and smothered in cream. It was delicious and I wanted more but Jungkook told me he wanted to show me something but I could have more cake later so I made him promise me and I'll hold it against him later if he refuses and that was a promise to myself that he doesn't know about.

Much to my surprise Jungkook took me to a hidden room on the ground floor of this mansion, having to walk through the kitchen to get here and a long corridor all the way to the end just to come here in this very large room that was filled with hand made paintings all over the walls, canvas's on their stands, paints lying around the place in the centre wooden table.

I was amazed by this room just like any other place I have seen so far during my one on one time with the vampires but this was a little different to me.

"How did you get all these painting Jungkook? No one does these anymore."

My eyes settled on taking in the art of a painting, two elderly couple sitting side by side holding hands while smiling. The detail was very good in this painting, almost as if an actual camera had taken it.

"It's the perks of being a king. Things like this get passed down in generations and our family has bene around for a very long time and holds a lot of great stories I'm sure you've heard of." Jungkook

I hummed a response, listening to him talk somewhere behind me as I move onto the next painting beside it. This painting was of eight children, seven boys and one girl. The girl maybe not much older than ten sitting in the centre on a stone like bench smiling sweetly with her hands in her lap and a pretty white dress. The two further boys beside her about the same age, one on either side. Then another third boy standing behind her, his hands on her shoulders not even a smile just a blank look as if he didn't want to be there. Then beside him were another two boys on each side, a little younger looking than the centre standing boy and then in front sitting on the ground were another two boys. One baring a wide smile that seems familiar to me and the other little boy also smiling with dimpled and glasses on his face.

All the children were wearing white with flowers in the background and from what I can make out is a fountain of some kind. Either way the painting was beautiful and yet this was just calling out to me, I could look at this painting all day since it brought me peace to look at.

"I knew you'd like this painting." Jungkook

He whispered closely to my ear as he comes to stand beside me. My eyes never left this well detailed painting.

"They must of been well behaved to get his done at a young age."

"I'm sure there was moments they didn't want to co-operate and some bribery was put in place." Jungkook

His chuckle made me also copy him when somehow in my mind I could picture that very well.

"It's very well done either way. Who painted it?"

Now looking up at him, he smiled at me as he turned his head in my direction away from the painting.

"It was my ancestor, the King that I am named after I guess." Jungkook

"I still think it's weird that the eight of us have the same names as they did back then and then it happened again many years later."

Jungkook laughed but I could tell it was forced as he walked away to the other side of the room.

"Yes I guess that is funny. Such a weird coincidence, huh?" Jungkook

Paused for a moment, thinking to myself. Something just feels off about all this. The eight of us are all named after people that have lived two lives together. The story goes that they are all soulmates, meet and grow together only to die and then come back together again many years later. Does that mean it'll happen again, or is it yet to happen?

"Jungkook can I ask you something?"

He hummed at me as he stopped by the wooden table, his fingers brushing along the paintbrushes placed out.

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook

"Do you think your ancestors will be reincarnated for a third time just to find each other once again?"

His doe eyes grew wide and any colour he had in his face flushed away and he looked away gulping hard.

"I erm.I....well maybe one day." Jungkook

I nodded and walked towards him just to stop across from him, the table separating us.

"I think it would be a shame if they come back again."

Jungkook formed a frown on his face and dropped the brush that was in his hands.

"How so?" Jungkook

"Because they've already lived two lives together. They had children, I'm sure they've watched their loved ones die and each time they die also. It's kind of heart breaking and even more so if they would have to go through it all over again."

"But they only come back if they need to. Something bad is due to happen and they need all eight of them to fix it." Jungkook

"Why all of them though? Why not just one or two?"

Jungkook smacked his lips together and sighed afterwards.

"Because they are nothing with out the other. The vampire kings needed each other to trust one another since they could not trust anyone, that brotherhood and all that. It can be unbreakable. As for the girl, it gives them that love and warmth that these vampires need because in each life she comes back to them, it's always when they need her the most. She puts them in the right place, and keeps them out the dark. They just all belong together, it's as simple as that." Jungkook

I took in every single word he said and somehow it just makes sense.

"Okay then."

Jungkook hummed and picked up some paint brushes, as he grinned back at me.

"I know what we can do. I'll paint you." Jungkook

"What?! No way!"

Shaking my head and waving my hands in protest I didn't like that idea but Jungkook quickly using his speed rushed over to me, picking me up with one arm and carried me over to this large red velvet couch with matching large cushions.

"To late, you're already on the couch. All you have to do is lay there and look pretty. Not like it's hard for you." Jungkook

I scoffed, laying back in the couch defeated when he walked away a blank canvas on a stand and picked it up to place in front of the couch and took a stool over to sit on. Jungkook just winked at me as he laughed knowing I'm not even gonna bother arguing with this but that's because I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and this couch was oddly comfortable.

"Are you wanting me to lay in particular way?"

"Just like that would do." Jungkook

I looked down at myself and I was laying on my back, my head propped up in a black velvet cushion, my left leg lifted on the couch and my right leg hanging off the edge. But both my hands were placing on my stomach that I didn't even realise I did that until now.

But Jungkook began painting, dipping his brushes in different colour paints, eyes scanning my body to make sure to get ever detail of me. I just sank into a mind of my own, softly humming but I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open at this point. They became heavy and the more I tried to resist the worse it got.

Slowly my eyes finally close shut and my vision took over in blackness.

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