Chapter 7🌹

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I watched y/n from my stood up position between Jungkook and the bench behind me. She quickly walked out, almost running actually and it concerned me to see what just happened. Even Jungkook stood there clueless and eyes glued to the door she just left through.

I have a suspicion to what just happened but I don't know for sure. One minute she was fine and the next she was just......somewhere else.

You could see it in her eyes with the way she gazed up at Jungkook when he held her. Something clicked in her mind and yet her eyes became distant.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jungkook

He asked breaking the silence in the room. I sighed and pushed back some of my hair that had fallen across my eyes, only to notice just now.

"No it's nothing you's something else."

I spoke to him to reassure him as I again gazed towards the door she just left through.

"Then what's wrong with her?" Jungkook

"Don't worry Jungkook it's nothing you did." Taehyung

Tae stood up from behind me and walked over to our brother and reassured him with a light smile had pat in the back. Only did Jungkook weakly smile back not totally convinced. It's not often we see Jungkook soft side anymore. I guess you could say that for the last eleven years Jungkook has been the most brutal out of all of us and now that y/n is around again, he's become soft when it comes to her. Even when Taehyung glances at with the same sort of look of amusement by lightly wiggle his brows at me when Jungkook was too busy looking down at his shoes in deep thought.

"Actually if I could say something?" Samuel

All three of us whipped our heads round to him standing behind me but next to the benches that myself and Taehyung sat on.

I hummed at him and nodded when he was clearly asking for approval to speak. Tae just let out a cute giggle to his question.

"Sam, you don't have to ask. If you have something to say just say it. That never stopped you before." Taehyung

Samuel shrugged his shoulders unbothered with a slight head tilt at the same time.

"It's only polite to ask but anyway, I just wanted to mention that since coming here yesterday and meeting Hope, y/n has been complaining of getting headaches." Samuel

She did look like she was in some slight pain when she scrunched up her cute little nose slightly before she stared at Jungkook blankly.

"I'm not surprised she got a headache from meeting Hope. She's annoying." Taehyung

"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Hope

I turned around again from Samuel to Hope now jumped up from seated position on her team bench and stood there glaring at Taehyung with balled up fists and red eyes. Jungkook let's a loud laugh, throwing his head back and I even chuckled to hear the joke but Hope was not having it. Especially when Taehyung looked unfazed by hopes bothered self and innocently battered his lashes at her.

"And? You're always around." Taehyung

"Okay! I think we should stop before this goes somewhere that's definitely not needed right now." Samuel

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