Chapter 25🌹

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"I can't believe she remembers and I'm not even there."

I sighed, pinching my nose and shaking my head.

"But mom it's all good. She's taking it really well." Samuel

That still didn't help how I felt about this. I'm happy she knows everything but more disappointed in myself that I'm not there to help her through this confusing time.

"But that's not the point Samuel, I'm her mother. I should be with her right now."

Again I sighed and looked over to my husband, curiously watching me but ears dropping also.

"Trust me she's fine. I just wanted to tell you so you know what's going on. You said to keep you and dad updated if anything like this happens but all is well, honest." Samuel

"Okay fine. As long as she's okay, then that's what matters."

"She is more than fine Mom, she's very relaxed about the whole thing." Samuel

I only hummed but glanced over to Eric, busy angrily scribbling on a map, mumbling curses and words that I'd rather not repeat.

"Well I've got to go sweetie, okay? Give your sister my love and I'll see you both soon."

"Yeah mom, bye." Samuel

I mumbled a small bye and then hung up and stuff the phone into my back pocket when I approached my husband, landing a hand to his shoulder as I stepped around him to see what he was doing with our bags that were on the back of the cart.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just double checking we have enough supplies. Eric is stresses himself again and you and I both know how he gets when he's like this." Mark

I nodded and threw another glance over my shoulder towards Eric, on his knees and pulling at his hair, glaring at the map on the floor.

"What's he stressing about now?"

Mark just shot Eric a worrying look and then smiled at me, which was small and uncertain.

"I have no clue. He just snatched the map from my bag and started acting insane. To be honest I think we're close." Mark

"You think so?"

A shot of hope rushed through me. I want to find her, Eric's soulmate because she or he, is the missing part in all of this. It's just been difficult to find them.

"I do, it would explain how he's been acting right now. By the way how is Y/n? I only overheard a few things but Eric kind of stole my attention." Mark

"She's okay I guess."

Clipping the bag closed Mark pushed the bag back against the other two bags we have and completely turn his body towards me, his hands to my arms gently.

"But you're still worried about her?" Mark

I nodded, looking down to my feet.

"Heiran, with Y/n now knowing I doubt things will go down hill from here, if anything I think it will be the opposite. Plus from what I heard it seems like Y/n is willing to talk to them boys, is she not?" Mark

"She is but that still doesn't help my worry, Mark. She's our daughter and I should be there."

He chuckled and yet cupped my cheeks forcing me to look up at him and directly into his eyes.

"You shouldn't worry about her, she's a strong girl. Always has been in every life. Y/n will be just fine, okay?" Mark

I nodded and we shared a small kiss on the lips before he pushed back and snickered.

"But if those boys hurt her I will personally see to it that they loose their hands." Mark

I laughed, removing myself from my husband, shaking my head.

"The funny thing is I know you're not lying."

Mark snorted, turning his back to the cart to lean against it.

"No man hurts my little girl and I'll never let them forget it." Mark

If I hadn't of fallen for this man already, I would of fallen here and now after hearing him say that. It's not the first time but it melts me every time. Y/n may not be blood related but we love her as if she was.

"GOD DAMN IT!!" Eric

Both of us shot our attentions to Eric, jumping up to his feet, hands balled up in anger and kicking the map across the floor.

"Hey control your temper Eric!! We need that!!" Mark

He rushed over to pick up the map before Eric could try and have another go at it. I took a breath and approached the pacing man.

"Eric, tell us what the problem is? We could help, that's why we're here."

He stopped, hands behind his back just to glare at me but I didn't take it to heart, it wasn't directly meant for me, it was his frustration in whatever it was that was bothering him.

"I know where my soulmate is." Eric

A sharp gasp left and I rushed over to him, putting my hand to his shoulder when he visibly relaxed now speaking out loud.

"That's great! Where are they?"

That's when he stiffened again, chewing on his bottom lip which made me nervous. He only ever does that when it's not good news.

"Erm, honey I think you should come have a look at this. I don't blame you Eric for being so pissed." Mark

Frowning, I glanced towards Mark and then back to Eric that angrily turned his head away just to scowl at the stoned wall. Hesitantly I wondered over to my husband, standing with the map held out in his hands as he scans the map himself. The clear annoyance on Mark's face almost matched Eric's and a apart of me at this point didn't want to find out what this is about.

"What is it?"

Coming to stand beside Mark, I didn't look at the map just yet but up to my husbands face who didn't even so much as glance at me. He shook the map, gestured towards it with his head bent forward while he concentrated on what he was looking at.

I guess I had no choice.

So with a stead breath I slowly moved my head to peer down at the paper map. It was only a map of the tunnels that led to different facility bases as well as high members of society properties and homes. It's great thing to have and only royals could have this but Namjoon gave us this to help in our journey to find Eric's soulmate.

But when I saw where Eric had repeatedly circled the area he had in black pen. I now understood why these men were so pissed and now so was I.

This soulmate of Eric's, where he senses where she could be for the first time in his soul being, this person was living at The Choi's Manor. The very people that the King's despise the most and have bad blood with.

This is not good.

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