Chapter 32🌹

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Standing just a few feet from the door I felt torn between actually going in the next room or just going back to my room to spend time with the others. This morning Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung left but I was told by Taehyung that in their office they'll have constant communication with each other.

I want to go in there and find out what's going on.

Have they found the place yet?

Are they one their way home now after retrieving my parents bodies? That is if they can be found and I hope they can be. It would be nice to have the proper send off they deserve.

Another thing that bothers me the most is the wonder if all three of them are alright. That no troubles have arisen.

I just had to know so I swiped the key pad and to my surprise it opened up swiftly. I though there would be more security to it but none.

The door slid open and I walked in casually.

I came to stop just as the doors closed behind me and I looked around the room at just how simple the design of the place was. Honestly I was expecting more technology but it was rather plain. Just a projectable table in the middle of the room where I saw both Jimin and Yoongi staring back at me. The look of surprise on their faces was quite amusing but I just chuckled as I walked towards them.


I smiled with a light wave and stopped opposite the two vampires staring back at me. Jimin seemed lost for words as his mouth hung open like he was catching flies. Yoongi just cleared his throat, shaking his head.

"Hey. This is a surprise." Yoongi

"I didn't plan on coming here in the first place. Curiosity hit the better of me."

Yoongi nods as if understanding what I was meaning when I spoke about curiosity. I guess it's kind of obvious about my reason to why I'm here. What other reason do I have to come here?

"They're okay by the way."

I turned around upon hearing Hoseok's voice. Met by a smile he was standing by Namjoon who was too busy sitting down and staring at the projectable screen before him, stroking at his chin deep in thought.

"Have you spoken to them since they left?"

I asked, walking towards him to meet him half way as he stretched his smile wider and nods. Curling his arm around my back to lead me towards Namjoon.

"Yes. Take a look for yourself." Hoseok

Pointing to the screen I leaned down so much so I was at head level with Namjoon. I didn't get much of a look at the screen since Namjoon yelped and threw himself off his chair, landing hard on the floor.

I giggled seeing his startled state but Hoseok and Jimin behind me were laughing so loudly that it echoed around the room.

"I'm sorry Namjoon but I thought you knew I was in the room."

I offered my hand to the wide eyed vampire which he took and stood back up, dusting off his hands by rubbing them together.

"I did but I didn't realise you were so close. My apologies." Namjoon

Giggling again I just waved him off and turned back to the screen but only to send Namjoon a side glance when he didn't sit back down.

"Aren't you going to sit back down?"

Gesturing to the now empty white chair but he just shook his head and pushed up his glasses.

"You can take it. I'm much happier standing." Namjoon

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