act 4

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"You seem happier," Siyeon announced as she walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch next to Yoohyeon. The roommates had been spending the spring break like most college students, but watching way too much tv and hanging around the house. Yoohyeon knew it was only a matter of time before Siyeon brought this up. She couldn't blame her, she knew her own behavior could be...erratic, to say the least.

"My heart feels lighter," Yoohyeon agreed. "But happy, I don't know,"

"You miss her," Siyeon said. "Of course you do. But you were right, you can't wait around for her forever,"

I would though.

"Have you talked to her?" Yoohyeon asked, trying to sound casual. It clearly didn't work, Siyeon's eyebrows raised and she gave Yoohyeon a doubtful look.

"You're asking like you aren't able to just text her,"

"Well I don't want to text first!" Yoohyeon argued. "Then again, I don't even know where we are right now. Are we on speaking terms?"

Siyeon rolled her eyes. "It's been over a month, I doubt it. Either way, this is better for you. You need to live a little. Let's go out tonight. You need to do something other than worry about Minji,"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Yoohyeon agreed. "Let's invite Gahyeon and Handong too. I should probably talk to them more since I basically just lost my best friend,"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Siyeon laughed. "I'm sure you'll find another girl to pin after,"

I don't want to, though.

Yoohyeon was not in the mood for a party, much less one that took place at her own house. Siyeon had decided to invite some people over, which turned out to mean basically the whole student body of their college. Yoohyeon had never been great at social gatherings, so she was left in the corner, peacefully sipping on her drink.

Most of these people were strangers to Yoohyeon. She wasn't looking to make friends at this party, even if it was what Siyeon intended. Honestly, she was more stressed out and the thought of people in her house, especially total strangers. 

"Hey, wanna dance?" Asked a girl Yoohyeon didn't recognize, and Yoohyeon froze.

"Dance with me?" Minji held out her hand, smiling widely. "Come on, it'll be fun,"

"I don't know, this isn't exactly my scene," Yoohyeon murmered, looking around the party.

"You say that, but we always seem to find each other here," Minji laughed. "Please dance with me?"

Her hand was still outstretched to Yoohyeon, and the younger girl reluctantly took it, letting Minji pull her up off the couch and into the dance floor.

She didn't recognize the song or any of the people there, so she awkwardly watched Minji move her body to the beat, trying to ignore the way her heart was fluttering.

"Hey, don't be nervous," Minji put her hands in Yoohyeon's. "You're gorgeous, and no one is looking at us anyway,"

Yoohyeon finally smiled when Minji helped her sway side to side, twirling her once in a while and forcing her to move to the beat.

"See? not so bad,"

Light danced across Minji's face, and Yoohyeon swore her breath was caught in her throat. She was the most gorgeous thing Yoohyeon had ever seen. When Minji cocked her head, grinning, Yoohyeon swallowed nervously.

"Not bad," She agreed. "Not bad at all,"

"Sure, I guess,"

Yoohyeon let the girl press their bodies together as they danced to whatever song was blaring though the speakers. Whatever chemistry the girl thought they had was lost on Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon was too sober for this. She figured this girl had probably gotten a decent amount of alcohol already, based on the slightly clumsy movements she made. Maybe Yoohyeon would've found her cute, if she wasn't so distracted.

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