Chapter 7: Reuniting

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After the four returned to Resistance HQ, Sonia and Manic left Sonic and Tails to catch up on whatever they were doing before this moment. Sonic explained everything that happened while trying to find his mother and defeating Robotnik. Tails explained how he would give the Oracle and his mother Aleena the feeling when they were in trouble or when they were ready.

That's when Sonic remembered something, "Oh that's right! I wanted to return this to you" Sonic said as he took out a piece of wood that had his symbol on it.

Tails widened his eyes at the realization of what it was.

"You kept it? After all this time!?" Tails asked in amazement.

"Of course! It was something you gave me" Sonic replied.

Sonic offered a hug and Tails gladly accepted.

"Thank you for not forgetting about me after all these years" Tails thanked.

"Your welcome"


It's been a week now, and still, there was no sign of Queen Aleena, Sonic was walking around the newly made Mobotropolis when he saw something. Sonic walked into a small ally way, and found a familiar characters, Uncle Chuck.

"Uncle Chuck?" Sonic called out.

He turned to the direction and saw the teenage hedgehog that was right there in front of him.

"Hey There Sonny boy!" He greeted.

Sonic ran up to him and hugged him as if this was the last time he was going to see him. Sonic refused to let go, and didn't hold back the tears in his eyes, his uncle was right here! Alive and well! No longer a robot!

"You have no idea how much I missed you Unc!" Sonic told him.

"I missed you too Sonny boy!" Uncle Chuck replied.

Everyone at HQ knew Chuck, all but Sonia, Manic and Tails of course. Sonic lead the three to a room were his uncle was in.

"Hey Unc, I would like to introduce you to my siblings! The magenta hedgehog is Sonia, and the green hedgehog is Manic" Sonic introduced.

"Who's the little fellow here?" Chuck asked gesturing his head towards Tails. Sonic nodded his head and pointed to the young fox.

"This is my adoptive little brother, Miles Prower, also known as Tails" Sonic said. Chuck went up to Tails and ruffled his fur.

"I know Sonia and Manic helped, did he?" The old hedgehog asked Sonic.

"Tails, would you like to answer that?" Sonic asked, Tails nodded.

"Yes! Well... no? I honestly don't know" Tails replied.

"Are you kidding?!" Sonic questioned and crouched to his eye level, "You were big help! This war would've never been won without you!"

"I was merely just the messenger boy, nothing that special!"

"But think we're we would've been without you!"

Tails looked down and back up to his older brother, he knew he was right, but Tails only delivered the messages while the others did all the work! He sighed in defeat since there is no point in arguing with Sonic, he always wins, even in arguments.


After a while, everyone got to know each other, and that same day..... Tails got a feeling, he knew what that feeling was! He went to gather Sonic, Sonia and Manic and told him to let him near Sanctuary.

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