Chapter 5: The Final Battle Has Begun

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Sonic, Sonia and Manic were all hugging, but that was until the Oracle has appeared, the triplets woke the hug and turned their attention him.

"Whats going on Orc?" Sonic asked.

"It's time" The Oracle announced, Sonia and Manic cocked their heads in confusion, but Sonic knew what he meant.

"What do you mean 'its time'?" Manic asked, the Oracle smiled.

"It's time for Robotnik to finally be defeated" he cleared.

The royal triplets where so happy! They would finally get to meet their mom and form the counsel of four! The Oracle smiled at their excitement before disappearing.

"Lets get to the base and crush it into millions of piece!" Manic shouted, but Sonic stopped him.

"Woah! Hold your horses Manic, we can't just attack! We need to have a plan!" Sonic said, Sonia nodded in agreement.

"Lets start by disassembling the cameras, you can do that right Manic?"


"Alright, then when you finish doing that, send us the signal with your drums ok?"


"Good, Sonia, you and I will wait for the signal, do you want to go for the factories or straight for Robotnik?"

"I'll go for the factories, you go for Robotnik"

"Alright, so when the signal is sent, you go for the factories while I go for Robuttnik, are we in game with this plan?"


"At least it's one"

"Shut up Sonia, anyways, get your rest.... you're going to need it for tomorrow" Sonic finished


Tails woke up and saw nothing but ruins, he didn't understand, he remembered falling then.... nothing.....

He walked around and saw a piece of glass, he went to pick it up, but then realized, HE WAS A FREAKING GHOST!

Before he had time to panic, a saw a warm light, he turned around and saw a familiar echidna, she smiled at seeing him. Tails was still a bit confused before he remembered, the dream, it was real!

"Tikal?" Tails questioned, she nodded.

"How do you feel?" She asked, a pretty unusual question to ask someone, but he answered anyways.

"I don't really know, at some point I feel normal, others I feel cold, others nothing" He answered

"You'll learn to control how you feel"

"So, how can I help Sonic to find his sibling"

"In due time, Chaos will talk to you and he'll tel you everything that you need to know, then just whisper into the person Chaos tells you to talk to's ear, and they will tell Sonic, just listen to him, and he'll tell you everything" She explained

Tails nodded, this was his responsibility now, he needs to protect Sonic, he protected him when he could, and now it's his turn.


Tails walking into where the Oracle lives, this was the first time he will be doing this, and since this is temporarily, he still ages, so since it's been four years now, Tails is now eight years old.

The cub whispered into The Oracle's ear, telling him that Sonic was now ready and that he needed to connect to them with music. Oracle then disappeared with Tails following him, he saw how Sonic was confused and surprised to find out that he was a prince, it made Blue eyes laugh at both the fact that he found out about Sonic being a prince way before Sonic himself found out, and two, Sonic hasn't changed a bit, still the chili dog lover he knew.


At some point, Tails saw a lion with Robotnik, Tails growled at the human for one simple reason, making his best friends life a living underworld (THIS IS PG I PROMISE)!

He heard the conversation on how he would give back the lion's dad if he got the royal siblings into his place and trap them, the lion agreed, he understood why he wanted to do it, but he soon found out that this lion now named Cyrus, he and Son were long-time friends! When they went to a place called Sanctuary, Tails knew he couldn't let Robotnik find this place, so he whispered into his ear, telling him to destroy the camera that is recording where the place is, thankfully he listened.

When Cyrus went to put his plan into action, Tails whispered again into his ear, telling him that he needs to stop them, and Cyrus listened again! But it was too late, put thank Chaos that Sonic was there in time to save them all and they made up, Tails sighed in relief as he knew that another one of Robotnik's plans failed.


Another time, Tails ended up on Angel Island, he was wondering until he found an echidna allying himself with twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber, he knew he had to do something, but as he observed the echidna, he saw that he was a bit stubborn, and he would more or so likely shake off feelings.

Tails found the perfect moment when the echidna now named Knuckles was about to fall of the Island, Sonic saved him and Tails took that chance to whisper into his ear that Sonic can be trusted.

After that, Tails the gave Knuckles the feeling on checking the chaos emerald, it was hidden so that's probably why there where six. The kit noticed how Sonic looked a bit shocked at looking at the emerald, probably because he found that Robotnik was right, and that it brought back memories. In general, all well, it ends well!


Manic was sneaking around until he got to the control room, he destroyed the SWAT bots first before hacking into the system.

"Alright"  Manic said to himself as he started typing on the computer.

After a while, he finished, summoned his drums and shot a laser upwards


Sonic and Sonia saw the signal, looked at each other and nodded, and they were off.

Sonia when to the main factory that controles all the other factories and snuck in, she summersaulted and did backbend handspring's until she made it to the controle room, she placed a bomb there and left, she put it all over the factory before she left the factory.

After she made it to a reasonable distance, she pressed a button and the factory exploded. Sonia smiled to herself, finally!

But now, the battle between Sonic and Robotnik, is about to begin!

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