Prologue- StH 8-bit/ StH 2 Game Gear Universe

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AhyokaADyolf is the creator of "The Final Victory", read before you read this!

Sonic was finally done defeating Robotnik again from capturing little planet, and now, he was preparing his bi-plane to head to Westside Island, he wanted to travel the world, and make sure Robotnik was really defeated.

He set off with all the supplies necessary for the trip, but something told him that this adventure would change his life, forever. You see, Sonic lives with his uncle in Mobotropolis, now Robotropolis, when he heard that Robotnik wanted to expand his empire, Sonic was sent by the resistance to make sure that, that wouldn't happen. When he landed, he got up and went for a run to see if anything was going on.

The azure hedgehog was running until the night came, that was until he was stoped by Robotnik.

"Haha! If it isn't Sonic!" Robotnik said.

Sonic just gave him the "really" look.

"Yeah of course it's Robotnik why not?" Sonic asked shaking his head, then face palming.

"Oh wait don't tell me, here comes the speech," he chuckled, interrupting Robotnik before he had the chance to even continue.

"'Sonic, the world will soon be mine and you will be destroyed hahaha' bla bla bla!" Sonic mimicked.

"Lets just get this over with, besides, I'm going to win anyway" he finished, Robotnik smirked before a robot attacked him.

When Sonic got a good look of the robot when he realized who it was.

"Well what do you know? It's the metal me again! Hey! Didn't I scrap him into the junk yard back on little Planet?" Sonic mocked.

Robotnik finally spoke, "That was just a minor setback, this one is faster and smarter than the last one, and soon, to be the better Sonic-"

"Yeah yeah, let's just get this over with, looks pretty cool though I'll admit that, such a shame I have to send him to the junk yard as well" Sonic interrupted.

"Now for the million dollar question, Clucky, or Pinky?" the two Sonic's then started to race, which ended with them clashing, of course.

Metal then came up to Sonic

"I ain't going as easy as last-" Sonic didn't get to finish as he realized that Metal was about to shoot him with his laser beam at him, which Sonic easily dodged.

Metal went to scratch him, but Sonic slid under him, Black eyes then jumped on a tree and spin dashed off it, when the Sonic dobbleganger went under him, Sonic pounced onto him. Cobalt fur then punched him, and his eyes went black, but Sonic wasn't convinced, and like he suspected, Metal turned right back on and Sonic went for the punch, no dent, and neither Sonic or Metal moved. After a few seconds Sonic got bored.

"What? Scared that you going to-" Once again Sonic was interrupted when Metal grabbed him and threw him to a tree.

Sonic scratched his head, then smirked and did a homing attack on the metal overload.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, a child was walking, he had another gadget of his destroyed, he heard a loud crash noise that got his attention. He went to investigate as his curiosity was getting the best of him.

When he got to the source of the crashing noise, he saw Sonic and Metal fighting, Sonic was trying to spin attack him, which Metal was holding it back, Red eyes then stoped him and threw Black eyes to the side.

The next attack went but fast, Metal fist started punching and scratch him with Sonic dodging, then Sonic successfully kicked him, Metal stoped himself and punched Sonic in the stomach, sending him flying. Sonic clutched his stomach while Metal went in for another attack, but Sonic jumped over him, grabbed him by the head and started spin dashing in midair, he then threw metal on the floor, causing dust and smoke to fly everywhere.

Sonic landed and took a look at the smoke, he squinted his eyes to see if Metal was destroyed. Was he? NOPE! Metal then grabbed Sonic by the throat, the observer gasped at the sight of this, Sonic tried to get Metal to let go, but it only tighter its grip, Sonic's vision was getting blurrier by the second.

Before anything could happen, something hit Metal in the back of its head, and that caused Metal to let go and explode. Sonic started gasping for air, shocked at what could have been powerful enough to hit Metal once, and cause the bucket of bolts to explode, that's when he heard a voice,

"Are you ok?" They asked, it sounded like a small child, Sonic looked up and saw a small fox cub.

"Thanks, but kid, that was crazy! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Sonic shouted.

"We both would've gotten ourselves killed if I did nothing!" The cub shouted back.

Sonic wanted to protest, but he couldn't argue with something that was true, if the kid did nothing, Sonic would have been strangled to death, and the kid would have probably been robotized.

But then, something caught his attention, how did the kid know Robotnik wanted to expand his empire, that's not possible! Sonic sighed.

"Alright, what's your name kid?" Sonic asked.

"Miles Prower, but around here, I'm known as Tails" Tails introduced.

Sonic smiled, "Sonic the Hedgehog, we should probably get you back to your parents." Sonic said.

He realized that Tails looked a bit nervous and shuffle uncomfortable.

"Something wrong?" Asked Sonic.

"T-The thing is... I don't really have parents, I've been alone for as long as I can remember." Tails clarified.

Sonic was shocked, "Why? Do you have a clue what could be the reason?"

Tails nodded, he was shaking as he showed what seemed to be a second tail, Sonic's eyes widened.

"WHAT?! THATS THE STUPID REASON?! KID THATS AN AWSOME THING!!!" Sonic shouted, nearly scaring the kid.

"Say, why don't you hang out with me?" Sonic asked, Tails looked at him with hopeful eyes, "Y-you really mean that?" Tails asked, Sonic nodded.

The cub ran up to him and hugged him, Sonic doesn't like touching, but he let it slide for now, so he hugged back, trying not to be rude, when the broke apart, Sonic spoke.

"Just to let you know, I don't like touching, unless I let it" Sonic said.

"Oops, sorry" Tails apologized.

"Nah it's alright, I'll let it slide that time, you needed it" Sonic replied, Tails nodded with a smile on his face.

Now, they were off to find new adventure. They were inseparable, becoming brothers, they protected each other, fought Robotnik, and never let each other down!

That was....




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