Epilogue: Final Show

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It's been a whole year since everyone reunited, Everything thing was now peaceful, Robotnik was thrown in a heavily guarded prison. Not even the smartest person in the world will be able to sneak out of this place!

Right now, Sonic Underground was going to preform at a concert tonight to mark the one-year anniversary of being free from Robotnik's clutches! The three members invited Tails to be a part of the group, but he insisted that it should just be them three, the originals. Finally an argument Tails won.

Tails won the argument under one condition, he would at least right write one song for them, which is the one they will do for the concert. So in a way, Sonic still won!

"Here you go!" Tails said as he handed the three the song he wrote for them.

The song was called "We Can", the three were pretty impressed how great the lyric were, although Tails refuses to see it, he has a lot of talent!

"These are pretty good song lyrics 2-T" Manic complemented.

"They're not much but I tried to make it as simple as possible" Tails told them.

"Come on! Non of us could come up with better ones!" Sonia argued.

Tails blushes in embarrassment, he doesn't see how talented he really is, as much as Sonic, Sonia and Manic tell him, Tails still refuses to see it! Sonic walked up to him and side-hugged him.

"Why can't you see how talented you are?" Emerald eyes asked smiling at the young Fox.

"It's nothing special really, they're just song lyrics, that was my first attempt so they aren't that good anyways" Tails replied.

"Meaning you have real talent buddy! No one Can make song lyrics that good on their first try! Trust me, I've made hundreds of cringe songs when I was little" Sonic admitted while sweating a bit.

"No matter what you say, there is not doubting that you are really talented for someone your age Tails, and Imm being serious!" Sonic said.

Tails sighed and nodded, "I guess your right"

"I know I'm right" Sonic replied.

Soon, the three were practicing the song while Tails helped adjust the tunes and some lyrics a bit so that Sonic Underground doesn't struggle when practicing.

Soon, the day came for the concert, their Final Show before everything is back to normal, well, normal from before Robotnik took over the world. You know what I mean!

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls!" Announced the announcer, "I am pleased to say that this is year one of our return to normality!" The crowd cheered.

"And to celebrate it, we bring you the hero's of Mobotropolis, SONIC UNDERGROUND!!!"

The crowd cheered louder as the group of three made it to the stage and started to play the music.

(Sonic Hero's We Can)


All Right!

OOH Yeah!

Look out, down below!
Sonic is on the go.
Can't stop this party 'til we save the world.

This time, not alone.
We've got some friends along.
And as a team we can become even stronger.

Together, we can, overcome all the odds.
It's never as hard as it seems.
Everyone can do something special.
The secret is sharing our dreams.


We can make it if we all stick together.
We won't give up, not ever!
And everything's gonna be all right.
We all bring out the best things in each other.
Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own.
So much better than alone.

They are in the lead, giving them greater speed.
Then they keep flying high, to stay above trouble.
And with them by their side, makes this a safer ride.
We'll save the world and teach that Eggman a lesson.

Together, we can, overcome all the odds.
It's never as hard as it seems.
And everyone can do something special.
The secret is sharing your dreams.



We can make it if we all stick together!
We won't split up, not ever!
It's easier with my friends by my side!
We all bring out the best things in each other.
Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own.
So much better than alone!
Better than alone!

And together we can overcome all the odds.
It's never as hard as it seems.

Yeah! Yeah!

We can make it if we all stick together!
We won't give up, not ever!
And everything's gonna be all right!

We all bring out the best things in each other.
Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own.

Can't stop us cause together we're all strong!


(Those of you who though Tails had an ego, YOU'RE WELCOME!)

After that, The announcer who was a white tiger came next to the performers after the audience calmed down.

"Give it up for our hero's!" She said as the crowd cheered even louder.

Sonic Underground looked at each other and then backstage we're Tails was cheering them on, they looked at each other and nodded.

Sonic then asked if he can use the mic, which the Roger allowed him to.

"Can I have your attribution please?" Sonic asked the crowd, they calmed down a bit to listen to what the azure hedgehog had to say.

"As much as we appreciate the attention you give us, we just wanted to let you all know..... we aren't the real hero's" Sonic confessed.

The crowd gasped and started to mumble some stuff all at the same time, so they don't know what they said, but they knew it was about what they just said.

Sonic turned the mic off and ran backstage at normal speed towards the 13 year old fox who was confused.

"Sonic, what are you doing?" He asked, not understanding why Sonic said that he wasn't the real hero.

"The right thing" Sonic replied, "I know I keep saying this, but I will keep saying it until you believe it!"

Tails cocked his head a little while a ear went down.

"Non of this would've happened if you didn't help! Your the real reason we are all here, right now, enjoying the freedom we all worked hard to earn!" Sonic explained, "Come on!"

Sonic the brought Tails out for the crowd to see.

"Believe what you may everyone, but this kid is the real reason why we are all here" Sonic explained.

"He saved our butts a million of times! Without him, well, we might as well all be robotized right now!"

The crowns started to look at each other and many of them remember how they would be so close to death, yet somehow, never seem to die! They all thought that it was because that they were natural fighters, but that's not the case!

Sonic was fighting for the Freedom Fighters since he was little, but Sonia and Manic hadn't until they met each other again!

"He's the real hero!" Sonic finished.

The crowd cheered the Tails was a bit embarrassed at first, then he felt a little better after hearing what Sonic has to say.

Life was perfectly normal since then, this was the end of their adventure! They got what they all wanted, peace and freedom! It really was, a happily ever after.....

The End!

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