Chapter 4: How it Happened

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Warning: Feelings and Emotions.... so be aware!

It's been about three years now, Sonic and his siblings where now 18, Sonic has been less on the finding mom thing and more on the completing the prophecy thing, and surprisingly more patient than usual.

Right now, Sonia and Manic were walking around the Resistance HQ when they came across Sonic's room, but they heard a bit of mumbling. They looked at each others and opened the door, and there they saw Sonic holding the wood carving that had two tails.

"Sonic, are you alright" Sonia asked, Sonic jumped a bit and rubbed his eyes before turning to them.

"Yeah, I'm alright" He lied

"Dude, have you've been crying?" Manic asked.

Sonic nodded, suprising both his sister and brother, never has Sonic confirmed weakness. EVER!

"It was just small tears, just memories of the past" Sonic confirmed, he signed and gestured them to sit down.

They sat down near him as Sonic sighed again.

"I want to tell you about my best friend, the first mobian who brought out the best in me, my little adoptive brother..... died-"


Sonic ran into the building, he was going everywhere, he was desperate to protect his little brother.

"Ah! Sonic, how nice you to join us!" Robotnik exclaimed.

Sonic growled at him, if he hurt a single hair on Tails' head, he was going to pay.

"I got the emeralds, like you asked" Sonic growled, "So where is he?"

"Ah! Yes, we had a little deal" He said.

Robotnik left the scene and came back with Tails by the arm, he looked fine but his tails were tied together, so whatever he has planned, Tails won't be able to get away.



"Where are the Chaos Emeralds?!"

Sonic growled again and dug into his bag and took out six emeralds. Tails' eyes widened while Robotnik smirked.

"Badniks, get the emeralds for me" Robotnik ordered.

"Now Tails" Sonic said.

"Hmmm, as you know Sonic, I'm a man of my word" Robotnik stated, Sonic was confused.

"Yeah I know" He said

"And we agreed all the Chaos Emeralds, there's only six" He said, "There are seven"

Sonic widened his eyes, "YOU MONSTER! YOU TRICKED ME!" He yelled

Robotnik laughed, "And for that" He said.

Sonic noticed the deep hole that was there, "No!" He shouted.

But Robotnik didn't listen, and threw the fox in, Tails screamed as he fell, Sonic didn't hesitate to try to save him, but when he got to the bottom, he saw Tails laying on the floor, motionless.

"Tails!" Sonic shouted as he ran over to him.

Sonic picked him up and tried to look for a pulse, but there wasn't one, as much as he refused to believe it..... he was gone.

Sonic hugged the fox and let the tears fall, "I'm sorry" he mumbled quietly.

"You know Sonic" Robotnik said from above the hole

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