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What if there was another prophecy? One that Cygnus and Druella Black had to stop from coming true and one that meant not only would Voldemort be taken down, a family would reunite and a new one would be born. This is a tale of two siblings, twins, that are set to defy every corrupt part in the wizarding society, not just the blood prejudice ... 

The 15th December 1976. The day that Druella Black would truly, despite everything, never change. A classic show of duty before her own needs. A true pureblood woman, some might say. A day where Cygnus' tyrannical actions finally ceased. 

Screams of Agony echoed throughout the family manor of Cygnus and Druella Black. The eldest male that lived in the home sat in a dark green armchair, in front of a lit fire place with a glass of fire whiskey in his hand. 

Cygnus Black was perfectly unaffected by the screeches his wife was emitting. After all, she had given birth three times prior to this particular occasion. The man was pondering on whether he would even bother keeping this baby, it might be a descendant of The Ancient and Noble House of Black but it would take a different surname and leave anyway if it was girl.

A girl, he would soon rather decorate his house in Gyriffindor colours than raise another daughter. 

Bellatrix was too much effort to tame, he thought that it was a good thing that he had beaten her into submission at an early age lest she grow up like Sirius.

 Andromeda, a name he now despised as much as the woman that adorned It. That girl had too much feeling, a consistent fault in women he found.

Then there was Narcissa, she was the one he neglected the least and he didn't like any of his daughters so that was saying something. Maybe it was her beauty, it created a small spark of pride that he practically owned such a girl that would have offers of marriage from other pure blood families coming to him left, right and centre.

Still, she was now a Malfoy and would not help in extending the Black family name for generations yet to come.

No, a girl was not what he wished for. Not now and definitely not the three previous births his wife had. In his opinion what the family needed was a strong male heir with no weaknesses and his fathers impressive qualities.

His nephews just were not up to the job, Sirius was already a blood traitor with his sense of equality and too outspoken with no sense of duty to his family. While Regulus had never exactly been trained to be heir of the family, the boy had no spine the way he saw it. Sirius may be an embarrassment but at least the boy had some back bone. If he was Orion he'd be appalled one son a blood traitor and another with no leadership qualities in him whatsoever.

This would be his wife's final chance to please him, not only was he planning on getting rid of the child if it was female he was also going to get rid of his wife. If he was feeling merciful then he'd let Narcissa raise the baby but his wife's life would definitely come to an end. This baby was going to determine the future of their 'family'. 


Druella Black felt half dead by the time she had given birth. Suddenly the pain subdued but she could still feel a small kick though she thought not to mention it, it probably didn't mean anything .

The nurse from St. Mungos had wrapped up the small baby, who was wailing, in a thin silk blanket. Always the extravagance of the wizarding world she thought and swallowed the bile she felt rising in her throat at the sight of the nurse's blood covered hands. Her blood. She didn't think she would be able to make it through this birth and the realisation that she might just survive was slightly comforting.

While the nurse tended to her baby, her vision began to fade, being enclosed by darkness and her head lolled to the side. Her mind was still active and she began to look back at her life, the constant abuse she received living with Cygnus was horrendous but she could still picture his smile the first time they had met. How his face radiated youth and passion and how he never used to slick his hair back but rather let his slightly curly hair hang free on top of his head. He was handsome and kind while she was beautiful but reluctant, he brought her out of her shell when he courted her.

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