~Chapter Two~

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Breathing heavily and praying that his sister didn't irrationally jump out to fight the unknown and possible intruders Alfie waited in what can only be described as one of the most tense moments of his life.

For a fateful ten seconds, the constant dull echo of footsteps continued on towards them and his sisters shaky breaths anchored him enough to numb the panic that was in his mind. He had to be aware, sharp and alert. If not for himself then for her.

Soon enough the thick wooden door - which Lyra noticed sent several spiders scuttling off the door and shivered - creaked open and a large shadow was cast on the floor as dim light filled the room.

The two teens locked eyes and waited in anticipation as the shadow grew, the person approaching.

Lyra and Alphard, of course knew they were capable of magic since they were young, felt an unfamiliar tug as the shadow continued to grow. It wasn't their hearts nor their breathing it was like some thing thrumming against their skulls and bursting to get out. Everything seemed heightened and as their nerves grew so did the pounding in their heads.

'Christ I've never had a headache like this'

'Me neither Alf, what the fuck is happening right now'

As the pain increased so did the strength of the twins mental connection - they had always been able to communicate without talking but it seems now they could hear each others thoughts unintentionally.

Before either sibling could register anything else, something prowled slowly into the room and sat before the two twins who both had a look of disbelief as the throbbing in their skulls died down and they directed their gaze towards the floor and at the grey and black tabby cat staring up at them.

"A cat? A flamin' cat?"

Alphard shushed his sister who was starting to rant to herself about being afraid of a little cat. He studied the feline carefully, locking eyes with the strange creature. He had only ever interacted with a cat once and the bastard guards drowned his poor pet in front of him when they discovered him.

This cat was different, too tame and its eyes were calculating and stern. 

'Why are you analysing the cat as if its an arithmacy problem, pull yourself together idiot'

"Lyra shut up for once, this isn't a normal cat and we need to leave now" he reprimanded his sister while ushering her through the door.

Before the twins - one considerably confused and the other profoundly determined - even managed to take two steps out of the room a voice made them stop dead in their tracks.

"Mr Black I think you would find it wise to let me explain before you rush yourself and Miss Black away" a stern female voice suggested in an unfamiliar accent.

Lyra broke out of her brothers grasp and turned round to be met with an older witch dressed in green wizarding robes and a pointed hat.

'Talk about making it obvious eh'

Her brother turned as well and stared on in confusion, his blue eyes squinted at the witch before him. Analysing her and finally looking straight into her eyes, eyes that held the same calculating gaze except this woman was smiling slightly and appeared to be friendly.

'Ly now is not the time to criticise her outfit'

'Piss off I'm entitled to my own opinion'

When the older lady in front of them began to tap her foot impatiently signalling that the twins were lost in their thoughts bickering, Lyra found her voice.

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