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Andromeda Tonks was a reasonable woman

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Andromeda Tonks was a reasonable woman.

She had to be after all, her family were (mainly) all pureblood supremacists that refused to acknowledge other peoples hard work, talent or sacrifice if they were of a lower blood status and this led to their downfall - with her parents deceased, her elder sister in Azkaban and her youngest cousin dead she could see that choosing to be reasonable had been the right choice.

Furthermore, her husband and daughter were (in true Hufflepuff style) loyal, clumsy and goofy to no end which can be just as dangerous as it is admirable. She had to be their voice of reason when they got ahead of themselves, as they were hers.

Following someone blindly into battle had never been her style.

Throughout her entire life she had always felt the responsibility to weigh up all the options and outcomes and to put aside all previous judgement in order to make the right decision for herself and for her family.

She landed in the grey area of life, willing to make the hard choice rather than opting for the easier ones and recognising that sometimes people weren't as straightforward as they appeared. 

That was not to say she had always made the best decisions, some days she wished she could have simply believed all the nonsense her parents spouted and then maybe she wouldn't always have this empty feeling that her family would never be complete. Andromeda was never kept in the loop and always frowned upon by the people she once loved.

But Andromeda Tonks was a sensible woman and therefore could never believe the rubbish that was forced upon her from a young age no matter how easier it may have made her life.

So when she found her usual morning routine -

(wake up before anyone else and enjoy a a strong cup of coffee before making sure Ted and Nymphadora would not sleep in and then heading off to St Mungos to work)

- Interrupted by an owl, unknown to her, tapping repetitively on the kitchen window with a letter held in its beak awaiting entrance to her home.

"For Merlins sake, alright I'm coming!"

Moving towards the window and opening it wide enough for the owl to swoop in and drop the letter on the counter, next to the pile of letters from the ministry she had ignored, Andromeda sighed at the realisation of who's owl it was.

Minerva McGonagall.

This was when the confusion set in, she knew Minerva to be busy with preparations for Hogwarts at this time of the year and while they occasionally met for lunch, Andromeda was not close with the elder witch and so was understandably perplexed by the spontaneous letter.

Swiftly opening the letter, her eyes scanned the message several times.

It read :

Dear Andromeda,

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