~Chapter One~

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12th of August 1994

The room was cold, no the room was freezing, dark, dirty and disgusting.

There was only one small window, which was covered in metal bars that were rusted and looked ancient.

The room - though it looked more like a cell - held one occupant, a young girl on her knees scrubbing the floors furiously while muttering to herself.

"Stupid bloody floors, no don't use your magic make Lyra clean them by hand"

"Because that just makes so much sense doesn't it?" she mumbled.

Thirteen year old (Almost fourteen) Lyra Black, dressed in rags, was the young girl seething with anger.

She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl - she had electric blue eyes that stood out and soft features that gave her a kind complexion. Her skin was pale, a common trait among the Black family.

She was thin, not healthy though as her ribs were visible and her bones prominent and this was not by her own choice. Unfortunately the reason for her being underweight was a cruel and selfish man who for some 'logical' reason thought barely feeding her was good for keeping her in line.

Wavy jet-black hair - though quite untamed - framed her faced perfectly enhancing her natural beauty.

Bruises littered her body, some hidden and others not. She had a large purple bruise on her shoulder and fading bruises in the shape of hands were all over her forearms.

Lyra Black was a typical teenager with an attitude that could rival Sirius Black himself despite the severe lack of care she received growing up.

She was proud and stubborn, refusing to see her scars as flaws.

They were marks of disobedience and Lyra was not one to be tamed.

"Honestly, who recommended this as punishment, I will find them -" She was interrupted mid-rant and turned round to face the intruder of her room.


"Seriously, you need to calm yourself down before you make this worse" Said a partially-deep voice which quite obviously belonged to a teenage boy.

Alphard Black stood, slightly amused by his sister, carrying a bucket of his own which most likely contained soap and water.

He was also being punished for their latest 'adventure'.

Alphard, who cringed at his full name whenever it was used, was a rather tall boy with curly black hair - identical to the shade of his sister's - that flopped primarily to his right hand side.

With pale skin, matching blue eyes and bruises to match (mainly on his torso though) it was easy to see how the two were related. 

His features however, were more stern that gave him a serious look until he smiled, a smile that would make a mother's day. It was full of joy and it matched his personality as he was definitely an optimist.

"Well Alfie if you wouln't have made so much noise -"

"No you made the most noise, how does someone trip over nothing I mean -

"Hey we get it I'm clumsy but if you hadn't -"

"No no no if you hadn't -"

"Look it was your bloody fault!" they yelled at the same time.

Both teens were panting and made eye contact before bursting out with laughter.

Chuckling Alphard decided to enter the room and help his sister, the both of them teasing and laughing with each other.

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