~Chapter Six~

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Two and a half weeks had past since the twins were taken back to the Tonks' residence where they were introduced to Ted and given rooms of their own. It was truly a weird experience for the two teenagers who had never received such warmth from mere strangers and had never had their own rooms, all too used to sleeping on the hard floor of cells and dungeons. 

The days went surprisingly quick, Andromeda was consistent in trying to help the two eat more, Dora was always trying to drag them into some elaborate scheme to annoy their older sister and Ted was just trying to get to know them. 

Andromeda had been supplying Alfie with many books to read, both muggle and Wizarding literature, and was trying to help Lyra decorate her room in order to help her feel more comfortable at their home. 

Things were slowly getting better. 


Feeling very overwhelmed, Lyra Black sat on the roof of the house she was currently staying in. The past two weeks had been such a dramatic contrast to anything she had ever experienced from birth and while she knew the Tonks' were trying to ease her into settling she just couldn't get her head around staying there permanently. 

Why would someone ever want me? 

It was hard not to get caught up in the warm feeling she got whenever she spent time with Andromeda and Dora or the smile she had to fight every time Ted made a terrible joke. She just couldn't let herself go, the attitude she displayed with pride was suddenly stunted and she closed down. 

Believing you're worthy of something is easier said than done apparently. 

The youngest Black didn't feel deserving of Andromeda's caring nature, the smiles of encouragement that were always being sent her way or the quick side hugs she received in the mornings before her sister had to go to work. 

She didn't feel worthy of Dora's jokes or playful schemes and definitely did not feel like she deserved the praise she always received from the slightly older woman. 

Above all, Lyra just couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't deserve Ted's acceptance, of being treated like family by a man who they didn't even have any blood relationships. 

That was what she found confusing about them all. 

They were all so genuine. 

There seemed to be no ulterior motive or any obvious malicious intentions from the three of them. 

It was odd, that was what she was used to. She was familiar with someone wanting to hurt her, wanting to make her life a living bloody hell so the last things she had been expecting was this display of ... family affection. 

Yet the young teen couldn't help but be silently overjoyed at how much comfort she felt just being here. 

The quietness of the house, which was basically located in the middle of nowhere due to 'security' reasons, was so settling. Her mind, which was usually clouded with worry, schemes and her stupid brothers thoughts ('He's gotta stop projecting his thoughts to me when he's reading the prat') was calmed by the atmosphere at the Tonks' home. 

Her fingers twitched, a long term side affect of being under the cruciartus curse for too long she learned, which left her desperate for something to fill them with. 

Looking down at her hands reminded her of how she found out that the effect was long lasting. 

"Tea's ready!" Dora bellowed up the stairs, her and Alphard had just finished setting up the table when her mother informed her to call down Lyra and Ted. 

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