v.birthdays and surprises

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"my heart is yours, it's you that i hold onto"

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"my heart is yours, it's you that i hold onto"

( Chapter 5 )

TW- mentions of eating disorders

AURORA'S BIRTHDAY WAS THE ONE DAY OF YEAR SHE HATED, other than Christmas, she had never had anyone make a fuss about her birthday so in first year when her friends wanted to celebrate it felt odd to her. 30th October. She had no family to celebrate with beside her friends and Draco. It was just another yearly reminder of her loneliness.

She woke up that morning and got ready like any other day, she wouldn't be surprised if her friends forgot all about her birthday. She took one more look at herself in the mirror before heading off to breakfast.

Aurora had figured out if she ate a few meals a week her friends wouldn't worry as they had seen her eat that week. Not that anyone other than Draco and Harry had picked up on these habits, she had to make sure people didn't find out and force her to eat. Slowly strolling towards the Great Hall, she saw Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table with something in his hand.

When she sat down she tried to ignore the eyes that fell on her until Harry's voice rang in her ears and she was pulled into a hug.

"Happy birthday Rora" he whispered in her ear, his voice sent shivers down her spine and an explosion of butterflies pooled in her stomach. Only Harry every made her feel this way.

He then handed her a small box, when she opened the box there was a necklace with an opal pendant on it, her birthstone, the gesture made a cheesy grin appear on her face as she enveloped him in another hug,

"Thank you so much" She sang in his ear. "I love it."

"Let's put it on you then" He said his smile growing wider at her reaction. He was glad she liked it as he had been nervous she wouldn't.

She turned around as she held her hair up, he clasped the necklace around her neck as she admired it. It was beautiful. She smiled brightly at Harry as she leant her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist. A piece of parchment landed on the table in front of her, she opened the note and it read:

Dear Aurora,

Happy birthday, I've got you a present but I'll give you that somewhere more private. Astronomy Tower tonight?

DM x

She smiled to herself, she really did love Draco, he was like an older brother to her. She turned around in her seat and nodded in his direction as he shot a smile back to her. Her friends knew she met up with her cousin every so often, although they didn't approve they understood he was still her family.

As they were sat in the great hall, an owl flew in with a parcel that landed in front of Aurora, she was confused she never got letters let alone a parcel, she knew it couldn't of been from her grandparents. She didn't realise that she had just been staring at the parcel for a good few minutes before she was snapped out of her daze by Harry who was more curious as to what was inside than she was. Cautiously opening the present, the box opened revealing a vary of first edition books, wizarding and muggle. She was absolutely gobsmacked, they were beautiful. She didn't miss the note that came out when she opened the box though, she carefully read it.

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