Chapter 8

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Evie looked at her reflection in the mirror, and at the dress she was wearing to see if she was going to wear it when she went to the mall with Ginny. But she couldn't help but look down at her ever-growing bump. She placed her hand on it as she let out a sigh.

"Henry?" She called out to her husband, who came running at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, Evie?" He asked her.

"Do you think I look fat?"

Henry sighed as he approached her and pulled her in for a hug. "Evie, you're not fat. You're pregnant, you have a baby growing inside of you. I think you're beautiful."

Evie gave him a smile. "Thanks babe." She gave him a kiss. "But do you think I, at least, look ok in this?"

"I think you look more than ok in it." Henry told her. "You look stunning."

Evie gave him another kiss. "Thanks, you're sweet." She told him before walking out of the room to get her car keys, as she was planning on meeting Ginny at the mall. She drove as her playlist played quietly in the background, and she softly hummed along to it. And by the time that song ended, she arrived at the mall. So she quickly parked her car and walked inside the mall, where she saw Ginny waiting for her.

"Hey Evie! It's good to see you! How are you?" Ginny asked her.

"I'm good. The pregnancy is kind of rough, but I know that as soon as I see her, it will all be worth it." Evie told her.

"I'm sure it will be. Anyway, where do you want to go first?"

"How about Babies R Us?" She suggested.

"Good idea!"

And so they walked towards Babies R Us having small talk, and when they walked in, Evie made no hesitation to go over to the clothes section. And she was choosing just the cutest little outfits. "Aww! These are so adorable!" She said putting it in the cart Ginny was pushing.

"They are pretty cute!" Ginny agreed.

But it was then that Evie spotted little pink boots. She gasped as she picked them up. "Oh. My. Gosh! These are the cutest things I have ever seen in my life! I am so getting them!" Evie said putting them into the cart as well.

"You just love looking at all these baby things, don't you?" Ginny said.

"I do. I've always loved it. But now that I'm the one having a baby, I love it even more." Evie replied.

Ginny just kind of laughed. Evie went on to looking at car seats, cribs, that kind of stuff. Then she looked at blankets, bottles, pacifiers, and diapers. "Oh! Just look at these! They are adorable." Evie said looking at the pacifiers.

After Evie had gotten the basic things that her daughter would need, she went to pay for it all as her feet and back were getting sore and starting to hurt and so she decided it was time to get going. "Thanks Ginny for hanging out with me today." Evie said as they left the mall. "It was nice to be able to spend time with you, especially since we never really talked back on the isle."

"Yeah, of course! I had a good time too!" Ginny said as Evie gave her a hug. "I'm glad you were able to find some stuff that you're baby needed."

"Yeah, I still need a few more things, but I'll be able to get it some other time." Evie said before going to her car and driving back home. But she was very surprised when she went home to find her husband in the kitchen, cooking. "Honey, what are you doing?"

Henry turned around smiled at the sight of his wife. "I'm making dinner. You have been doing so much, and you deserve to have a break especially since you're pregnant. So while you were out, I did a little cleaning, then started making your favorite."

Evie, with her hormones, started tearing up as she went over to hug him. "You are so sweet. I love you." She said.

"I love you too. Which is why I did it." He replied before he set the table and they sat down to eat. "So how was your day with Ginny?"

"It was nice!" She said. "Got some stuff for the baby. Ginny's changed, she's different from how she was back on the isle. I have a feeling that we could be really good friends."

Henry nodded listening to his wife speak. "I'm sure you two will be." He replied grabbing her hand. "How's the baby?"

Evie smiled as she looked down at her stomach and rubbed it gently. "I would assume she's doing good." She told him.

"Has she ever kicked yet?"

Evie shook her head. "No, not yet. But the doctor said I would be able to feel her any time."

Henry leaned over to put his hand on Evie's bump. "Hey. Can you hear me in there? This is the one time I'll allow you to kick your mother." He said to her stomach. "Feel anything?"

"No. I don't." She replied.

"Evie...we already have a disobedient child." He said as Evie gave him a slap to his head.

"Oh hush. She's not even born yet, and she doesn't understand what you're trying to tell-" She just all of a sudden stopped when she felt something move from inside of her.

"What? What's wrong?" Henry asked as she had just stopped talking all of a sudden. Evie didn't say anything as she just brought Henry's hand back to her stomach. "Eve, seriously what are you doing?" Once again she didn't answer him before he felt it. He felt the baby kick. "Ok, never mind. Forget what I said."

Evie laughed as she kissed him. "She finally kicked. See? She's just fine."  Henry just brought Evie back in for another kiss. They were both happy that their baby was finally kicking.

A/N: So what did you all think of this chapter? Please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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