~~*a date with satoru :) *~~

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A/n: I have no idea either..... all I know is that you and satoru are dating and are going on a date.......I'm just gonna write as I as go without a plan😅💀

You can listen to the song while you read^^^ or not your choice :)

ALSO thank you so much for 4k READSS!! ily :>

Also sorry for the spelling mistakes if I make any!😭🙏

Okay here we go....


Your alarm clock starts ringing,you slowly slump up from your bed and look at the clock....



Your late on your date with satoru

You quickly scramble out of bed and turn on the tv as you pick out your outfit

(Think about the outfit you would wear,it doesn't matter satoru will still think you look great in it :))

After quickly changing you trip when trying to make your bed "just.... great" you run to the bathroom and fix up your hair,you quickly check the time and grab your accessory for the day before walking out the door in panic


You check your phone to see some unanswered calls and unread messages from satoru

                         (Random month) today at 10:00am
Future husband:
I'm at the plaza :)

Future husband:
     I'm hey y/n!just want to know if your gonna make it late?
                        * Missed call from Future husband*

Future husband:
Tell me as soon as you can alright I'll be waiting :)

You read the messages in shame "oh noooo!!! he probably thinks I ditched him!or something NOOOOO" you drive as fast you can to the plaza "you lock the car and text him

Future husband:
Tell me as soon as you can alright I'll be waiting
                                 I'm so sorry!!!! I over slept and didnt notice
                               messages until now!!I'm about to make it!!      

    You finish sending the text before running into the plaza you see satoru sitting there on the bench, "he's probably bummed thinking I left him" you think as you run over to him

"SATORUU!!" You shout as you raise your hand,he flinches and turns before making a genuine smile at you, you smile back and give him a hug, he hugs back as he squeezes you tight,his chin resting on the top of your head,you let go and apologize for being late

He says it's alright before saying "I really thought you ditched me for a second" he says nervously while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, " I WOULD NEVER I really am happy you asked me out! ""my alarm clock was the problem,that's why I came late" you say feeling bad for making satoru worry

You both leave it in the past and walk around the plaza " you look good ~" he says walking beside you,

You flinch before answering "oh thank you!" you say

SATORU GOJO X READER one shots ;)Where stories live. Discover now