~*the moon and a blue eyed man*~

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A/n: like I said....don't know what to write about so im Just gonna try to write a story with this song as the inspiration ^^

(Please listen to the song while you read :))

Also I'M SORRY FOR HAVING TO SAY THIS EVERYDAY BUT sorry for the spelling mistakes!!! I swear I will post a story and then read it to check and see THAT I have a bunch of spelling mistakes but then it says that it's already gotten like  4 views and I'll be like "nooo they must of read the spelling mistakes and I go and edit again......

K that was it......ok gonna start writing now...

Hope you enjoy :>


You walk down the cold busy streets of Tokyo

people talking, singing,humming,the noise fills your ears as the moon shines above the sky

you look up at the building's to see colored lights flash

the ads on the buildings changing by the second

the smell of different detergents that people use on there clothes hits your nose (< I tried to sound more descriptive here but I don't think it worked (- = -)


You leave the busy crowd and wonder what to do since you had finished up your day......

You didn't want to go home just yet....so You decide you'd find something new to do

as you stop walking and start listening to your thoughts you look up at the moon to see it be covered by some thin clouds

Hmmm you look to the side to see a parking building

"maybe If I go to the top of that building I can see the moon better"........

You decided on your small quest and walk to the parking building

You walk up the stairs higher and higher your anticipation exhilarating to see that beautiful moon shine above you

As you make it to the highest point of the building you take out your phone so that you can take a picture of the moon

You look up with your phone in hand to see a tall figure standing close to the ledge of the building

You see the man looking up at the moon his white hair softly moving with the breeze you see him turn around

Your eyes widen

You see him holding a blindfold above his head with one hand as he looks at you with his crystal blue orbs 

You feel the jitters,it feels like you soul just came out of your body and back you stare at him mind blown and intrigued at how pretty this man is.....


You see him smile at you and  turn back to the moon before he sticks out one of his feet out at the ledge


"Is he gonna kill himself!?" You think

You drop Your phone

Your body moves on its own you run over to him at full speed and grab him by the waist to stop him from going any further

He flinches as both of you start to lean more at the ledge of the building

You both tumble down the building and fall

You scream as you slowly fall down the building with the man as tears start coming out of your eyes "well.......I'm about to die....."

The man sighs and grabs you bridal style as you both keep falling the wind hitting both your faces

You cling onto him in fear as you see cars quickly pass by on the ground under you

You both suddenly stop moving, he stands on nothing but air,you stare at the ground in shock and notice how you both aren't moving

You look at him with huge shock "you must very confused right now.....but I need you to not move alright sweetheart~" he says smiling

Your face starts to heat up as you hear those words come out of his mouth...

he bends his knees and jumps, you soar into the air as he carries you "what the hell is happening?"" am I dreaming...I must be"

The wind hits your hair,you inhale the cold crisp air and exhale feeling calmer "this...is actually.....kinda fun" you smile at this feeling of soaring through the sky

He notices how your liking this feeling of flying through the sky and decides to jump higher this time you both soar up to see the the clear moon

Even better then the building

Your eyes widen at how beautiful the moon looks

The white haired man looks at you as you look at the moon in amazement,your eyes gleaming with delight

He can't help but smile

You both slowly fall down,satoru making sure you don't fall

he holds you a little bit tighter

You feel safe......

You both slowly fall to a random building ,he slowly puts you down and waves goodbye before leaving

Before he leaves, you grab him by the wrist

"When can I see you again" you ask that out of nowhere

You widen your eyes at the words that just came out of your mouth and back away a little from him

He smiles and says "soon....."

You stand there a little confused at what he means by that as he jumps off the building......


"Shit my PhoNe?!!!"

You scream for the man To come back so that he can take you back to get your phone.......

A/N: lol I like that ending😂  guess that's what satoru meant by soon lol.....Anyways thank so MUCH for reading :) REMEMBER to drink water,LOVE yourself❤,cry about your anime crush not being real and I hope you have a great day take care alright :> -dc🐢

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