~~*training with satoru ;)*~~

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A/N:OK BUT THAT PART IN THE SONG WHERE IT GOES ahhhhhhhh,OOoooooo,EeeEeeeeee,Ah,oh,Uuuuuuu👀🙈💗💗💗💗 GAWDDAMNNNNN favorite parttttt,the song is on the top^^ go to the very ending and listen to it for the ~experience~

(I'll make this a spicy story just because of that ENDING part😩❤)
(You and satoru are teachers by the way in this)

You crack your fingers before picking up your gym bag to go train with satoru,you had feelings for him but usually would just shake them off because you didn't have no time for that,you were a busy person,(as you should😌)

*Imagine your workout outfit for a sec*(he still gonna think you look hot in it either way👀)

You walk over to the training area and drop your bag, you put one hand on your hips before looking around to see if satoru was there,you shrug and start stretching *guess he's coming in a little late*

You start to stretch your legs when you see satoru coming in from the door

NOTE: NOW put the music at the part where it goes ahhh,Oooo,eeee RIGHT NOW ( 3:46 is my recommended time) and look at the thumbnail after I explain this moment of satoru ;) so that can get a better image of him.

(redo this until you feel like Your gonna start levitating)

Your eyes widen

You see satoru walking in almost in slow motion/ with no shirt on showing his nicely built abs, his face looks stern a little serious, he has a light black jacket on and has his blindfold off with his hair messy and down making him look like the most handsomest guy you have ever seen,his crystal blue orbs staring into YOU

You look at his well built abs "wow...they look so ferm"you think "hey! my eyes are up here~ short ~stuff~" he says with a smile

you immediately blush

"I-I KNOW THAT!!??" You say looking the opposite way,he chuckles at your response and stretches his legs "so what work do you want to do today?"He says stretching his legs

" hmm well I thought about doing some fighting techniques like boxing?,guarding? " You say why'll getting up and putting one hand on your hips "so ~rough~?" He says with a smirk why'll cracking his fingers


"That was a joke right?" You say getting into postion, "~maybe~"
He says

you do your first swing missing him "I won't go that rough on you,~you are a lady~"

you swing again hitting his stomach


"Whoopsie~" you say wiping some sweat from your forehead, "hm" he says swiping some blood from his mouth you guys get back into position,you throws your foot going for a kick,he kneel down you swings your foot down tricking him,he grabs your foot from hitting him in the head

You start to lose your balance "woah...Wo-" you fall on your butt,he starts laughing, steam starts coming out of your head,you slide your leg under him making him trip,you start laughing

He holds out his hand and helps you get up, "hmmm if I can take that blind fold over your neck I win" you say to make the exercise more interesting, "alright" he says

Ready set Go

You run to him and jump into him you quickly wrap your legs around his waist as you try to pull the blindfold off his neck "cheater~" he says "HOWW??!" You say

He grabs you and slams you on the ground his hands holding him self up so that he doesn't crush you "ow" you say "I win~" he says smiling,you tug onto his blindfold that's wrapped around his neck making his face get closer to yours "I win~ you say ," hmmm~" he pecks your lips "I winnnn~~" he says he gets up leaving in the ground with your face heating up

He grabs his things before picking you up and whispers into your ear "~next time I'll make you  scream my name~" "i-" he giggles and grabs his coat "so next friday?" He says smiling

" Ummm....yeah.. " You say, "~great!~" He says


A/n: wow.......I hope y'all put the SONG on why'll reading this because....MAN DOES THIS SOUND HOTTERR like I literally had to take A moment when I first read that part with the song on...........I'm still shocked and then the THUMBNAIL PICTURE WHEN I TELL YOU I IMAGINED SATORU IN A EDIT WITH THAT


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ANyways......thank you for watching i mean reading I think I'm losing it .........ok see ya -dc🐢

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