~*going to a ball with your sensei*~

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A/n: hello my luvs :> I would like to gift y'all this for the 1,000+ READS also I really recommend the music^^ while you read but you don't have too if you don't want too :)

(also play the music when it says *Play the music* don't play it yet!!)


Today your going to ball...you've never been to one of course but going with your sensei seemed to be more fun then going alone

He was actually shocked at first when you asked but he quickly made A smile and said yes :),you were nervous of course knowing how you had feeling to your sensei but didn't know how to tell him

Maybe I can tell him today you shrug it off and walk to your closet

(Imagine your best dress or suit :) for a second don't worry he'll compliment whatever your wearing either way :>)

You walk out with the best price of clothing you had you quickly fix your hair and grab a accessories for the outfit

(Think about the accessories you want to bring/use like bracelet,bag,hat,tie,maybe your finger nails painted anything!)

You look at your self in the mirror before opening the door to already see satoru outside waiting for you

"Wow......." He thinks

He looks at you up and down before making a smile "You look stunning " you look at him and smile, seeing him with his hair down gave you butterflies in your stomach,he wore a normal black suit with some hints of blue he added in,like his or his napkin nicely tucked in pocket,he says taking his hand out "shall we~" he says with a smile

You take his hand and walk into the car you nervously think about what could happen in the ball but try to shake it off...

You guys make it to the ball and walk together inside :),you nervously look at all the people "Wow this is nerve racking" you think,

You play with your hands a little

Satoru notices how nervous you look and takes your hand,intertwining his fingers with yours,you look up at him as you turn bright red

He leans in close to your ear

you feel his breathe tickle your neck,

"wanna dance?..."

(Start playing the music ^^^^)

Instead of going into the crowd you guys go to the hallway

You listen to the music being played from the main gala

You stand in front of him

He takes out his hand and leans forward with a smile

You laugh at how serious he is with this and take his hand

He slowly pulls you in and puts his hand on your waist,put your hand on his shoulder, "hope your ready" he says

you smile

He starts moving to side to side as you twirl around alittle

your feet moving on there own

you follow his moves you twirl around with him as your nervousness soon starts leaving

you smile more and more as he grabs your hand and spins you around

You move around the hallway with spins and laughs you feel like Your dancing on the sky,

clouds full the room you look at the ground to see pure blue

"What the...." you think

The cool breeze flows through your hair as you dance with satoru he squeezes your hand a little as he looks at you with Crystal blue orbs you spin a little as clouds pass by

He pulls you in and leans you down making a fine dip,you laugh as he pulls you up before placing his hand on your cheek and leaning in

you close your eyes

He gives you a kiss

After the kiss you open your eyes to see that the clouds and sky had vanished as you only see the hallway you guys were originally dancing in

You grab his hand and hold tight

"Do they have ~cake!~" Satoru suddenly says " umm.....yes? " You say

He quickly gives you kiss on the forehead before running off to find the cake


You stand there shocked

"WAIT SENSEI get me one TOO!!!" you shout

A/n: hehe I wanted to write something more....beautiful? This time I hope it made you guys feel like you guys were actually there dancing with satoru/also hope that you guys played the song :),but yeah that's it this is my thank you too the 1000!!! Reads!!! lly :> make sure to drink water,LOVE YOURSELF,cry about your anime crush not being real and I hope y'all have a good day :) love yall -dc🐢

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