~~~*returning the favor*~~~

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i got a request to do this and i thought that that was a GREAT IDEAA!!!! my dumbass never thought of that so here i am!! shout out to the person that thought of this!!! thank you so much for 74k reads!!!!! i appreciate that ya'll actually read my stories and get horny over them💀thanks..........

you can play the music if you want! ( i recommend it)you might have to replay it a couple of times though cause its so short('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)sorry about that!!!


you wake up drenched in sweat "god my head hurts" you say out loud, after fighting a nasty curse last night you were too lazy to go to the nurse(lol) you thought the injury wasn't that bad your eyes were begging to be closed so you immediately went to sleep after fighting it, you grab the water bottle beside you and gulp the whole thing down, you slowly get up and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower

Nobara walks down the hallway looking at her nails "god i need to go get them fixed" she thinks as she's walking past your room she hears


she jolts into your room "y/n SENSEI ARE YOU OKA-" you lay in the tub with the shower rack over you, she sighs in relief " hi.." you say, a shampoo bottle falls on your head....

*after a pit stop to the doctors* (pretend shoko isn't in this💀)(she's a queen tho) 

*sigh* "sensei you need to start being more careful" says Nobara as she helps you walk back to the school, you laugh a little " sorry for troubling you Nobara i know you rather be doing something else then help your teacher walk  back" "its fine i got nothing to do any ways" she says rolling her eyes, you turn to her and smile, she smiles back "but that doesn't mean you don't owe me" she say with a grin you laugh a little "alright" you say...

the next day you wake up and wince in pain because of your torso and leg you grab some pain relief pills and gulp them down with water, you slowly get changed, Nobara asked if you needed help a while back but you didn't want to trouble her, you grab your stilts and walk out your room, you limp to the meeting that the teachers of jujutsu high were having today

as stand in front of the door and straighten your clothes before knocking "come in" says the head master

 (I'm too lazy to look up the dude that makes the cursed plushies name)

you slowly walk in "hey guys sorry I'm late!" Satoru whos laying on the ground with his hands behind his head glances at you and smirks "looks like that curse got you good huh" he says you glare at him and limp to a seat he sticks his feet in your way "'whoopies~" he giggles, Utahime hits him on the head to let you pass

you listen to the head master  he mostly talks about curses "y/n was it that last curse that got you severely injured what's your report on it?" he says putting a hand over his fist "the curse was a pretty big most likely a level 3 to 2.5 curse there attack range was far but i was able to excorse it in the end though it did give me some damage" you said, alright then it looks like you wont be able to teach for awhile" "for now just try to get some rest" he says, you nod

"i volunteer to take care of y/p~" says satoru you turn your head in a flash to satoru with a "excuse me what" expression on your face "can i yaga sensei~" he pleads with his hands and taking off his blindfold and making puppy dog eyes, yaga rolls his eyes and sighs "fin-""thank you so much luv ya a ton!!!!" he says winking and putting up a peace sign, You all talk for a bit more before ending the meeting.

you slowly try to get up, satoru walks over to you and lends you a hand "have you eaten yet?" he asks "no not yet I've been pretty busy" you start to feel a little drowsy losing your balance "woah woah woah" satoru catches you before you fall he puts his hand on your forehead "your burning up" he snaps his fingers

*poof* your now in your bed "what the!?" you say "how did you" satoru walks over to you "magic~" he says "i'll go make you some soup" you see his smile as he walks out the door to make you some soup, you sigh and lay in bed

 30 minute's of waiting your door busts open "ta-daa!!" satoru shows you the soup, the soup looked decent looking "he hasn't cooked ever in his life other then that one culinary class we took when we were in  high school" "he failed it though"

"did he look up a recipe and make it for me?" you make a smile "he did all that for me?" you look up at him and give him a  warm smile "thanks satoru" his eyes widen, a small tint of pink hits his ears and cheeks

you taste the soup "woah" you think, you dig right in finishing the soup in a couple minutes you sigh in relief "ahh that hit the spot" you say stretching, satoru chuckles and checks your temperature again, "seemed to lower down a little  here's some medication" 

he pours the medicine onto the spoon "say ahhhhh" he says silently giggling, you roll your eyes and open your mouth "ahhhhh" he feeds you the medicine as you gulp it down "good girl~" he says screwing the cap back on the medicine, you punch him on the shoulder  he chuckles

the time passes by as you sit around in your bed with your pajamas on satoru comes back with some movies "ooooo lets watch this one!" he says "why not", he walks over to the dvd player to start the movie

he runs back out and comes in with snacks and pajamas "got to be prepared" he walks over to your bed and sits right beside you

the movie starts and you notice something "is this a horror movie!?" you ask him "hehe yeah!" you sigh "alrightt~ but don't go clinging on me" you tell him mockingly "yeah yeah lies i should be saying that to you~" he answers back

30 minutes into the movie:




*gruesome kill*

"damn" you think, you look to the corner of your eye to see satoru un phased "hmm" you think intrigued, out of no where a jump scare pops up on the screen, you jolt grabbing satoru's arm sleeve without thinking, he smirks "don't worry I'll protect you~" he says teasing you, you glare at him and let go of his arm,

the movie ends you and slowly stretch ,yawing you say "god im tired" "yeah me too" he says "well goodnight" he quickly says grabbing a blanket and turning around "huh?!" you say, you sigh "alright but dont touch me when i sleeping alright?" you say "hmh~" satoru responds

you turn off the t.v and turn the other side slowly closing your eyes

the next morning(¬‿¬)

your eyes slowly open "ahhh that was nice" you think, as your about to get up you feel something on your torso, you look down to see satoru's hands on your torso hugging you gently, the sun hitting him softly, you look at him and smile and then make a evil smirk "hehehe", you slowly place your hand on his head gently ruffle his hair

he slowly wakes up and yawns "what's up" he says confused, "weren't you the one to say that you weren't gonna cling on me~", his eyes widen he looks down to see his hands around your torso "my bad~" he says smiling "couldn't help myself wrap my hands around a beautiful persons body", "hahaha very funny" "can you take your hands off my torso now?" "how about you make me?~" "i bet you'd like that wouldn't you~" you tell him "i think i would actually~"

you push him off the bed

a/n: couldn't help myself write something spicy in the end :] your welcome(¬‿¬)(✿◡‿◡) well hope you liked it remember to drink water!!,love yourself<33,and hope you have a great day see yall!! -dc :

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