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So rare, so strong.
Golden. In the glowing sun.
A Pheonix.
Majestic rays. Painted wings.
I watched him sing, dance, laugh and love,
I watched him glide, glow and fly,
I watched him grow.
Too old, too fast.

He asked me,
" what's happening? what's wrong?"

To which I replied, softly,
"You flew your course, now shed your wings for you are free."

And fly he did but not so far
for when the angels held his hand,
he found peace in a better land
and what was left of him.


I remember the night I let you go, how I cried for hours on end because I couldn't fathom a life where I would be happy without you. It was like a part of me had vanished, simply evaporated with you, and for weeks on end, I believed it was because of me that you left and I still do, you broke me and I can't forgive you for that, but I will forgive you because you weren't any more fixed than I was, we were merely papers burning together, enjoying the company before we turned each other to dust.

Just know that even though your in the wind,
I loved you.
And I hope one day we can rebuild using our Ashes.

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