What happened to Calvin?

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Barry pov:
I got up and Killer frost is asleep beside me , okay I let her sleep cause technically she's also my girlfriend is weird tho , I went and grab a new shirt and kissed her forehead before heading down to make some breakfast , I decide to make pancakes like always and start blasting some music and dancing to it , I think I was enjoying it too much cause I start hearing giggling on the stair case , I turned to look at who it was it was my kids and Killer frost , KF was filming me , I quickly ran up to her and grab her phone


"And deleted here you go"- I say as I passed it back to her

"Yeah Caity backs up her phone "- she said then quickly put it in her pocket and sat down at the table

"Where's Calvin?"-Barry

"No idea dad maybe he slept in "-Brody

"I'll go get him "-Barry

I walked up to his room and knocked on his door several times but not answer I opened in and I went in to a Calvin less bedroom , his bed was neat , and there was a note on it with his watch ..

'Went somewhere don't look for me please I gotta do this by myself take care of my family and tell them I love them '- Calvin

Where did he go , I quickly called Cisco and asked him to head to the lab , I then explained to my kids what happened and Killer frost let's say that KF isn't exactly happy , we then sped to the lab

"Okay what's going on"-Cisco

"Calvin his gone , and I don't know if this is really his note or Alfred did something but here's his watch "-I say tossing it at him.

"Uh I'll let Caity take over "-KF , we then watched as she returned to normal , Caitlin had a confusing look wondering why we were all looking worried

"Babe I gotta tell you something ... Calvin is gone "- Barry

"GONE? What do you mean gone "-Caitlin

"He just left us this note and his watch "-Barry

"Do you think Alfred did this?"-Caitlin

"We can't be sure mum "-Blair

"Guys I can't hack his watch , but I know who can "-Cisco

"Aunt felicity ?"-Brody

"You know I'm offended you guys think she's a bette hacker than me"-Cisco

"Isn't she ?"-Cathy

"You know what let's just head over to Star city"-Cisco , he then opened a breach and we all jumped through and soon we were in the arrow cave , we should probably have called cause when we got there we caused diggle to jump and drop his food

"Sorry "-Barry

"Barry what are you guys doing here and who's these "-Thea

"This is ,Blair , Cathy and Brody mine and Caitlins other kids and these two is Alura and Johnathan the daughter of super girl and the son of Superman  and we need help , Calvins gone and Cisco can't hack his watch "-Barry

"Dude secret identity "-Alura

"Oh come on cos is she aunt Thea and uncle diggie "-Johnathan

"Yeah don't call me that"-Diggles

"Can someone please help find our missing son"-Caitlin

"Pass me his watch"- Felicity , she then starts doing her magic

"His gone?"- I hear a familiar voice say breaking


"I got it , I've tracked where he has been to , he went to an apartment in 7th street (just made it up) he's been there for 3 days I checked it and is owned by a girl named Kira "-Felicity

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