Barry pov:
I'm pacing back and forth in the waiting room two of my kids just fainted on us , we were waiting there for about an hour till the doctor came out"Hi mr and Mrs Allen?"- The doctor
"Yes that's us "- I say as Caitlin stood beside me
"I'm doctor Philip we did a few tests on your son and daughter , everything seems to be in order maybe they fainted due to tiredness we would want to keep them in for a few days to monitor them carefully and conduct more tests just to be sure we didn't miss anything serious "-Dr Philip
"Thank you doctor can we see them ?"-Caitlin
"Yes of course their in 303 private room like you've requested "- he says then leaving going to his other patient , me and Caitlin with the twins went to 303 and Brody and Catherine were awake already I went over to Catherine while Caitlin went over to Brody , Blair sat on the couch in the room and Calvin was leaning on the wall
"Hey how are you"- I ask as I stoke Catherine hair
"Dizzy what happened "-Catherine
"You guys fainted "- Calvin said coldly something was up definitely
"Cal is there something wrong "- Caitlin
"Nothing mom"-Calvin
"Calvin don't lie tell me the truth "-Caitlin
"Is not just a coincidence that they two fainted mum , and I know who caused this "- he says speeding out I was about to follow after him but Blair stopped me
"Brody and Catherine need both of their parents right now let me handle my twin "- Blair , I sighed then kissed her forehead , she then went after her brother , i went and sit beside Catherine again pulling her close to me , why is this happening , i just wanted to spend a day with my family , me and Caitlin stayed by their side till their asleep , most likely because of the medication they were given , i went to grab me and Caitlin some coffee and blankets cause we were most likely gonna stay the night here , Calvin and Blair are not yet back and is been hours i just hope they are okay , i went back to the room and see Caitlin looking out the window
"hey they're okay "- i saw wrapping my arms around her
"Please tell me this is just because Brody and Cathy are tired and not Speed lord doing "-Caitlin
"Their okay Cait , we're here i'm here i won't let anyone hurt our kids or you okay , they have to go through me before they lay a finger on you and the kids"-Barry
"How did i get so lucky to have you"-Caitlin
"Well i don't know Mrs Allen"-Barry
"Mrs Allen ? we're not yet even married "-Caitlin
"Yet , but that didn't stop you from telling that receptionist that we're married"-Barry
"How did you?"-Caitlin
"Blair told me while we were in the waiting room plus the doctor called out Mr and Mrs Allen , and he will only say that if the receptionist had told him that "-Barry
"well it is proven if you say your married and your child or partner is in the hospital you tend to get the info you need"-Caitlin
"It is indeed "- my phone started ringing , it was my lawyer i picked it up and this day couldn't get any worse oh right it did , turns out iris didn't want to sign the papers great , i texted her to meet me at Jitters , i went and take the papers from Roberts and sped to Jitters i , see iris sitting at the table i walked over to her with the papers in my hand and sat across her she started small talking but i cut her off

The future is different
FanfictionA Snowbarry story Barry Allen and iris are married but their relationship soon crumble , he leans onto one of his best friend Caitlin Snow for help, a visit from a few unexpected visitors happens , what will this mean to Barry Allen? Will he and...