Bonding time

811 20 5

Calvin pov:
Me and my siblings woke up first before mum and dad to prepare them some breakfast , me and Brody sped to the supermarket to buy what we needed , once we got back me and Catherine started cooking while Brody and Blair started eating the ingredients , Catherine took the blueberry out of Brody's hand before he could put it in his mouth


"Those aren't for you "-Catherine She says putting the blueberry in her mouth and smiling

"Those aren't for you too you know"-Calvin

"So running away huh , truth now "-Blair

"The future is changing , Alura and Johnathan also travelled back in time their in earth 38 now with Superman and Supergirl, whatever the Verlac's are planning they definitely changed the future that's for sure we gotta stop them"-Brody

"We will stop them but now let's focus on mom and Dad , after everything it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with our parents "-Blair

"CALVIN THE EGGS!!"-They all shouted at me , oh shit I muttered , I quickly off the stove and put the eggs on a plate they weren't burnt almost burnt but weren't

"Master chef huh"-Blair say giving me a look

"I didn't say I was a Masterchef"-Calvin , she chuckled but was obviously hiding something

"Sis you okay?"-Catherine


"Hey look at me "-Calvin

"Hey look at me "-Calvin

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"What's wrong "-Calvin

"The future is changing Cal what if something bad happened to both mum and dad what if us being her is why it's changing what if we disappear what if ..- I cut her off

"Whatever is going on we will fix it together as a family "- I say assuring her

We then all pulled her in for a hug , we finished up the cooking and set the table , we then heard mum and dad come down , they walked to us arms linked , I'm guessing their together , is good to have our parents back being honest

We then sat around the table and started eating , we were laughing non stop with the stories dad told us about mum when they first met asking him to pee in a cup and the time they went to a karaoke bar , and mum got super drunk , Catherine on the other hand was stuffing her face with the homemade doughnuts we made

"Cathy are you that hungry "-Brody say teasing his twin, Catherine in return kick him under the table

"Shut up "- she says taking a bite of her doughnut

"Shut up "- she says taking a bite of her doughnut

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