Time with the Stark Family

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Calvin pov:
I ordered some hot chocolate and just watched him do his school work at the table , I waited till he was about to leave to go to him after half an hour he got up and I followed him I so called purposefully bumped into him and he spilled his drink all over my shirt

"Oh shit I'm sorry so sorry "- Peter

"No is cool , a lot of work there "- I point to the papers his carrying

"Yeah gotta keep those grades I'm Peter , Peter parker "- he says introducing himself and extending his hand out

"Calvin Henry Snow Allen "- I say shaking his hand

"Sorry about your shirt "- Peter

"No worries is just coffee it can be removed , wait Peter Parker? Son of tony stark?"- Calvin

"Yup that's me want an autograph?"- he says bluffing

"Heh I heard your dad is an expert in gadgets I'm actually working on one and I need help do you think you could help me?"- Calvin

"Definitely dude is the least I can do uh why not we exchange numbers and I'll send you my address and we can work on your gadget there "- Peter

"Awesome "- Calvin , I then gave him my number and I went off to Star Labs , i figured to just let him fix my watch , I went to the lab to grab a few things I might need , no one was here which was good mom and dad is still in the hospital and uncle Cisco says he had something to do , so it was just me , I'm meeting Peter in an hour so I decided to head to do some laps on the treadmill , once it hit 1 I went took my motorcycle and drove to the address he given me , I didn't expect the ride to be so long but when I got there damn his house was big , I rang the door the bell and Peter greeted me he was wearing what looked like a school club shirt

"Nice sweatshirt "- I say as I enter the house

"Thanks , cool bike "- he says pointing at my bike

"Yeah it is maybe you could ride it sometime "- Calvin

"No way , oh yea come on we can work in my dads workshop , his currently doing some project but I'm sure he won't mind "- Peter , we then went to his fathers workshop , when we got there mr stark was jamming to his music

"No way , oh yea come on we can work in my dads workshop , his currently doing some project but I'm sure he won't mind "- Peter , we then went to his fathers workshop , when we got there mr stark was jamming to his music

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"Uh dad , this is Calvin the guy I bumped into just now "- Peter

"Ah yes Calvin , Snow Allen right "- Tony

"Yeah Henry snow Allen , is an honour to meet you Mr stark "- Calvin

"Please is mine , so I'm guessing your a fan of what I do "- Tony

"I am mr stark , Peter here is actually gonna help me reconfigure my watch is a small thing but I still haven't worked what's wrong with it "- Calvin

"Ah yes he told me about it well the workshop is all yours I'm gonna go and see what Potts is doing , oh and Calvin stay for dinner I insist "- Tony

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