Chapter 7

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1 month later

Leo woke next to Nico, birds were beginning to stir and the early morning sun was streaming in through the cabin windows.

Yawning, he rolled over to face his boy friend, who was still asleep.

He looked like an angel, his skin pale, contrasting drastically with his black hair.
His breath was even and peaceful, unlike the past few nights, which was a good sign.

Smiling slightly, Leo brushed the locks from the Italians face.

Said boy stirred, eyes fluttering open, unfocused and sleepy. They found onto the one to blame for the disturbance.

'Morning sunshine' Leo joked

Nico groaned, turning away. He hated that nickname.

'Aww cmon Neeks' Leo whined, flopping onto the younger of the two.

Nico pushed his boy friend off him, before making a bid for freedom; AKA leaping from the top bunk to escape his overly affectionate roommate.

Ok, technically, Leo was not allowed to be sleeping in any cabin other than number 9, but as soon as he heard that Nico had been having really bad nightmares again, the Latino had rushed to the rescue. Except his idea of 'rescue' was to simply cuddle it out (Nico had nothing against this).

'Soooo' Leo purred, hanging upside down his torso of the edge of the bed like some excessively grinning bat, idly fiddling his his trade mark button up's hem line 'what's on the agenda today'

'How am I supposed to know?' Nico replied 'one of us could be torn away from our lives at the drop of a hat because some God needs an errand runner'

'You've got a point' Leo said rubbing his chin 'but you could have just said sword fighting or something'

Nico rolled his eyes as he pulled his overly large pyjama t-shirt off his slender frame, Leo didn't even try hide the fact he was staring.

'Dude, do you mind?' Nico asked

'No do you?' Leo smirked,

Nico scratched his scarred arms self consciously, a pained look on his face.

'Nico are you ok?' Leo asked, abandoning his jokey attitude instantly,

'Y..yeah' the pale boy's voice shook ever so slightly

Dropping to the ground in a heap, Leo moved to Nico's side, pulling him into a hug.

The raven haired boy held tightly onto Leo's open button up and began to sob.

'Aww Nico it's ok, shhhh' Leo soothed 'have the nightmares been that bad huh?'

Turning his tear stained face away from the worried eyes of his boyfriend, the son of Hades gripped the fabric tighter 'it's n..not...well sorta...I j..just don't know if...' he trailed off, trying to steady his breathing.

When he turned back he was met with a pair of amber-red eyes full of concern.

'I don't know if I could survive loosing you too' he finally whispered,

Leo didn't say anything at first, just held Nico tight.

'You'll never loose me, I won't let it happen, I promise'

'You can't promise that...' Nico protested

'Oh but I just did!' Leo let loose a watery chuckle, Nico wasn't the only one with tears in his eyes.

'Thanks Leo'

'No problem sunshine'


So yeah, that's it! (Sorry it's short)

The final chapter, the finale, or is it?
It's not!
It's not!
Per request there will be more.

Ps HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2021 is go!

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