Chapter 8

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You can thank @animeweirdogirl2005 (and Susy_Valdez21 who made a rather compelling point) for this.

I kinda lost motivation for this fic and honestly I never really considered it to have ended well, personally if I was reading it I'd be really mad.


Here's the next a few months late.

Nico snuggled closer to Leo, who'd fallen back asleep, trying to absorb as much warmth as possible.
They were still sprawled on the floor from their shared sob session.

Don't think about that Nico scolded himself, it's too embarrassing.

Showing emotions like that? Ick.
And somehow Leo had made him do it twice.

They must've been lying there for awhile as the sound of grumpy camper filtered through the curtain covered window.

'Where's Leo?' one of them said

'Oh prolly in the Hades Cabin' that sounded like Leo's sister Nyssa

Nico stiffened

'What? With di Angelo?' The shocked voice replied

'I guess, he always sneaks over there when he thinks everyone's asleep. They'd make a cute couple if they're not already secretly dating'

'Ha yeah I guess. They have been hanging out a lot lately...'

The voices gradually grew indistinct but Nico lay perfectly still.


The Italian shook Leo awake 'they know, they know! they know!!' He muttered angrily

'Wha? Immawake immawake' he groaned squeezing tighter on Nico's waist.

'Ugh let goooo' Nico whined 'this is serious'

'The only serious you should be doing is seriously chilling' Leo yawned

Nico cried out in frustration 'people think we might be dating!'

'We are aren't we?' Leo asked, unconcerned

'But no one know that! No one needs to either'

'Jason knows' Leo had closed his eyes again

'What?!' Nico shadow traveled to the other side of the room by accident,

'Chill out man!' Leo exclaimed, quickly letting go of his not so secret sweetheart,

'Did you..did you t..tell him!' Nico stuttered and began pacing, sure signs of a freak out 'Leo I swear to the gods...'

'No! No I promise I didn't!' the alleged tattletale yelped 'he worked it out on his own! He asked me and...well I'm a pretty bad liar also he already knew you were gay...'


'What! He already knew we were...we are...'

'Dating' Nico finished for him

They sat in silence, but a comfortable kind of silence.

'We're dating' Nico repeated a smile playing on his lips

'You good?' Leo chuckled

'Yeah, and do you know why?'

'Cause sex was good?' Leo joked

'What the Hades? We're virgins you idiot' Nico exclaimed rather flustered, he didn't notice the shadow pass across Leo's face.

'Sorry, why are you happy?'

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