Chapter 14

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Nico woke from a dreamless sleep.
He ran his fingers through his damp hair...

Wait, damp?

Looking around in surprise he realised he'd fallen asleep on the roof of the Hades cabin.

Leo lay beside him, a wisps of steam trailing from his body as his high body temperature evaporated the dew.

Nico stretched hearing the satisfying crick of his back and arms.

The sun was peeking over the horizon and the first few dryads were detaching themselves from their trees.

'Valdez' Nico shook Leo's shoulder 'wake up it's cold'

Even though it was in fact Leo who'd slept without a jacket, Nico shivered were he sat and last thing he wanted right now is to be spotted on the roof of his cabin.

'Mmmm' Leo groaned curling into a tighter ball,

'Seriously' Nico muttered, grabbing his boyfriend and shadow travelling into the Hades cabin below

'Gods! Nico! Woah!' The disorientated Latino stumbled into the wall then promptly fell over,

'Sorry Leo' Nico grinned down at the other teen who looked sick from the minuscule shadow jump.

'No your not' he whined as he rolled along the floor till he hit Nico's legs.

'What are yo- AH!' Leo yanked the other boys leg causing him to hit the ground, spread eagle on the floor.

Nico gasped trying to regain all the air that had been knocked out of him.

'What in Hades was that for' he wheezed, receiving a grin in return.

'Dunno, I just saw an opportunity and took it'

Nico huffed angrily 'well I guess we're both fully awake now'

'I guess we are'

A slightly awkward silence began to manifest.

Leo clicked his tongue nervously, shooting a side long glance at his boyfriend.

Nico blew the hair out of his face, still laying on his back.

'I'm not gonna tell anyone if that's what you're wondering'

'Huh?! Umm right...'

Nico sat up on his elbows 'that's what you were thinking about wasn't it?'

'Maybe I bit' Leo mumbled

'Seriously Leo how many times do I have to say you can trust me till you start to believe it?' Nico expression was serious 'But if you ever decided to tell the others I'm sure they wouldn't think any less of you'

'I know that, I just...just....' Leo didn't seem to know just what.

'I get it Leo' Nico sighed 'it's a bit hypocritical of me anyway, it's hard enough opening up to you, let alone those nosey delinquents'

Leo shook he's head, smiling 'yeah Nico, you're a real twerp'

'Oh shut up Valdez'


This chapter is short as, but I really don't have anything I wanna add and it's just be unnatural to try add another bit.
It's really just a filler anyway.

SO I leave you with this, for now

Shadows Fall to Flames. {{valdangelo}}Where stories live. Discover now