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I was captivated by the beauty infront of me. I was quite confused whether this was reality or merely a delusion.

At that moment, I thought that it wouldn't be so bad to die by the hands of his as long as I am looking at his gorgeous face.

Sadly, turns out that it wasn't a thought but seems like I accidentally said it out loud.

"Excuse me?" He blinked confused.

And then, I realized the position we were in and jumped so quickly that I ended up tripping and falling down face planting the floor.

That was painful!

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he sat up on the sofa and extended his hand to help me up as I removed my face from the floor.

Truth be told, I would have probably preferred staying in that same position because of how embarrassed I felt but that would make it more awkward between us.

"Thanks, I'm alright. That was... unexpected."

His mouth twitched as if he was trying to hold back from bursting into laughter.

"Pretty much." He coughed trying to get back to his usual serious self. "May I ask what you came here for?"

"Oh, sorry for coming in without permission but I was knocking on the door yet I didn't hear a response. Well, since you called for me I waited by the office but you weren't there and then I saw Nino, the head butler and he told me that you'd be in your room and since he was busy I came to call for you."

"I see. Sorry for the trouble."

"Not at all. I'm glad you were able to rest, you don't like as tired as in the morning."

"Indeed. It was needed after all that work."

I nodded.

I stood in my place unsure of what to do now since I did come here to call for him but then things took a different turn and here I am standing awkwardly unable to focus. Gladly he seemed to realize how I was feeling at that moment.

"You can head to my office now, I'll follow you soon."

I nodded before doing as instructed.

When he walked in, he was back to wearing his usual black mask.

We ended up not talking much unless it was about an important subject related to our work or whether I needed help or not.

"Your highness, I would like to ask a question."

He looked at me from his papers. "Sure, go ahead!"

"Why do you always wear that mask?"

I could see that his eyes turned dark momentarily before he turned away from me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He sighed.

"I'm sorry, but let's leave it at that. You can go back to your room I'll finish the rest."

I didn't want to annoy him any more than this so I decided to go back to my room.

"Have a good night!"

The next few days passed by quickly. I didn't get to meet Adrien at all. He didn't show up when I had breakfast and I started to regret ever asking him that. What could he possibly be hiding? It's not like he has any flaws but what could possibly make him want to hide his face?

"My lady, are you alright?" Nino asked.

I smiled gently at him to reassure him that I was alright. "Yes I am, thanks for asking."

"If it's about his highness, he has been so busy lately that's the reason he can't attend to you."

"I figured that would be the case." Who am I kidding, that's what I hoped would be but I could tell that Nino only said that to make me feel better.

"My lady, don't worry. His highness isn't feeling really well and that's all. He's not mad at you for whatever you might have said. Don't take it to heart!"

I nodded. And then realization hit me. How did Nino know that it was about something I said. I looked at him as I saw him clearly look back confused before he seemed to recall what he said and avoided my gaze.

"I will excuse myself now my lady."

"I hope he gets better soon."

"So do I my lady, so do I." He smiled softly.

I know it took a lot of time for me to publish this chapter but my short vacation has ended and now my schedule is busier than ever. I hope I can write and publish as much as I can and please do forgive me if I take too long!

Thank you for your patience and hope you liked this chapter.

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