How it all started

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It all started when I moved into the bourgeois's mansion. It was a sudden decision and I barely could understand how things ended up that way.

I was living a normal life, it's not like we were that rich or anything but we lived a simple yet elegant life. My family was known for having strong supporters and for their extreme kindness. They used to always provide help to the people who needed it be it poor or rich. But some people saw that as an opportunity to get rid of them and have that title themselves. They first asked for help, they got their help but when it was time to return the favor, they all acted as if they didn't know who we were. For some reason, most of the people who got our help went bankrupt and ended up losing everything. They put the blame on my family and that was how my misery started.

During the riot, my parents vanished. They completely disappeared from my life. All I wished for was for their safety and that hopefully one day they'd come back. I never blamed them for how my life turned out when they left me since during that time, I understood how terrified they were for their and my safety.

As I was running for my life, I came across Chloe Bourgeois. A classmate of mine who did not like me at all. I would say the reason would be jealousy as I had friends more than she did. At that time, I had no where to go and did not know what to do. I resorted to her help. I did not want to get killed so I begged her to help me. She had an amused expression on her face as if she had found herself a new toy.

That's how my life as their maid started. The day after; I immediately started my job of cleaning the mansion, managing the laundry, organizing her room and transporting their meals. It was a pleasant life. To me, it was better than getting killed for something neither I nor my parents did and instead were put the ones under the blame. I lived the simplest life for 4 whole years.

Until words came in that Count bourgeois has lost the bet with his fellow friends -which was a game they have played during one of the parties and the one that loses will have to get his daughter to marry Duke Agreste- and so his daughter was to be wed to the demonic Duke. Of course, Chloe bawled her eyes out and tried to convince her dad not to send her away.

"Please daddy, can't you do anything to stop that?" She begged.

"I can't do anything! I have no choice." He told her sadly and disappointedly.

"So you're just going to abandon me? You are willing to let me get killed?"

"You think I want that to happen? If I could I would just send some-"

He stopped for a second before he came to a realization.

"That's it!"

She wiped her tears and turned to her dad expectantly as she awaited what he was about to say.

"We just send someone in your place. He wouldn't really know who my real daughter would be, I can just adopt someone and send her to him."

Chloe liked the sound of that, a person going instead of her was something she liked but not the fact that she'd get a sister.

"But daddy, wouldn't that person become your daughter?" She pouted.

"My dear, you will always be my one and only daughter. I will only get another daughter by name nothing more. And besides, she would probably die soon so what's the harm?"

She sighed and nodded.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" She asked him.

"Hmm.... wouldn't it be better if it's someone we know?"

"And why would that be?"

"We need a person with proper etiquette since she is to be his wife and since he's a duke we need someone with a title wouldn't we?"

"That's tough! How are we going to find someone like that?"

He smirked and turned towards me who was cleaning at that moment.

"We have someone right here."

"You mean Marinette? How would she know any- oh yeah she knows since she was from a well known family."

"B-but I don't want to leave this town." I said.

"You work under us now don't you? Shouldn't you listen to your master? Or would you rather sleep in the streets without any food or a shelter?" Chloe sighed.

"I am not ready for marriage yet!"

"You think Chloe is? She's your age if you didn't know that. And besides, isn't it about time you returned the favor?" He said.

"I-I see."

And that was how I was chosen to be the sacrifice.

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