ABC Fluff- Shikamaru Nara [Naruto]

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A = Affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)

In public, Shikamaru keeps his display of affection on the subtle side. At the beginning of the relationship, he is hesitant to even hold your hand. Sometimes when he is feeling possessive he will keep a steady hand on your back or loosely hanging around your waist. In private, it's a whole different story. Man lives to cuddle and nap with his S/o. A big thing that becomes tradition is 'hello' and 'goodbye' smooches. Its something he looks forward too when going to see you.

B – Best (What would they say is the other's best trait?)

One of the things he loves most about his S/o is the way their eyes light up. Whether it's eating a cake from the new shop down the street or when they're receiving flowers from him. Their eyes ever so slightly widen and begin to change into a lighter iris while a smile grows of their face. A simple smile that causes his heart to flutter.

C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)

It just depends on the situation and where you guys were at. Some nights your back can be against his chest with his arms secured tightly around your waist. Other times, you'll be at his favorite napping spot, curled against his side as the soft breeze sweep across the grass. Shikamaru doesn't have a favorite way to cuddle. As long as he can hold his S/o while their snuggling against him.

D = Dream (What do they dream of with their S/o?)

Shikamaru wants to grow old with his S/o. He wants to live lazily with them, waking up late in the morning. It's a simple dream of his. Shikamaru wants to share intimate moments with them, show them a side of him that no one else will know. Which will be their little secret. He wants to be able to let down his guard while let go of his duties without worries. Shikamaru sometimes dreams of their future with little ones. Waking up to their children peaking in the room wondering if their parents were awake or coming home to see his S/o and kids making dinner together.

E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)

The first month of dating was a little awkward more so for him than you. Shika hadn't been in a relationship prior, he was still learning. He didn't have a positive outlook at relationships always thinking they were a drag. This man would watch his words, not wanting to upset his S/o. He would observe them seeing what they disliked and liked. Lowkey would ask Ino for help when deciding on flowers or other gifts. Any concerns he had, Shikamaru would express them to Choji or Asuma rather than you. Early on it's difficult to see how soft Shikamaru is for his S/o but his friends know how devoted he is. This man would skip a nap or two for his S/o.

F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)

Everyone close to him knew he was in love before he did. It would show in the way his eyes soften seeing his S/o out in the streets. He figured it out for himself when he realized how addicting it was to be in their presence. How every time they spoke, he gives them his undivided attention or how his napping spot was more lonesome without them.

G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)

He is so soft for his S/o. The tone of his voice is gentler when addressing them. Shikamaru doesn't use 'what a drag' as often when they ask something of him or when they're around. It often shows when Shikamaru interrupts you to brush your hair behind your ears before leaning forward grazing your lips with his.

H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)

Holding hands depends on his mood. Sometime he will have his hands in his pockets while his S/o is loosely hanging off his arm. Other times, Shikamaru takes your hand, and firming interlocks your hands together. Almost like he's scared to lose you. Palms pressed tightly together. There are times where you can be walking down the street with him, swing your hand while fingertips are loosely intertwined.

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