Being married to Tony Stark Include...Part 2 [Marvel, Ironman]

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Tony can get really jealous when people ask you to dance or when you get dragged into a group chat.

He always saves you from these rich people and reporters.

People ain't allowed to talk bad about his wife, or he gets involved. Sassy Tony is the best Tony. The morning after skipping his award ceremony, you wake up alone.

"J.A.R.V.I.S is he down in the lab?"

"As per usual Mrs.Stark."

Checking notification before rolling out of bed.

"Did he eat?"

"He did not."

Grabbing Pepper's birthday gift and walking downstairs with Tony's ACDC shirt on.

"Good morning, [Y/n]."

"Morning, Pep. Happy birthday and good luck dealing with our shit for another year."

Giving her Tony's card to buy herself something pretty from him.

Signing all his paperwork when his busy or when he's working on something.

Pepper trusts you so much to make sure Tony gets his stuff looked at and knows what's happening. You are kind of the reason she keeps her sanity when dealing with him.

He relies on you so much, that it is possible for him to break apart cuz he won't eat unless you constantly remind him or bring him something.

You have your own sets of codes and know Tony's. But the AI opens everything for you beforehand. Unless authorization is extremely emphasized on if it's something that important.
Tony's workplace does not count even if he thinks it does. You and him are the only people who can get in and out without a code. J.A.R.V.I.S knows better.

Him not realizing you enter the workplace unless you make your presence known or place a cup of coffee or plate of food down.

"So I made sure J.A.R.V.I.S will remind you of all the important things coming up. Pepper needs you to look over these papers. Also, shouldn't you be halfway across the world by now? Your jet was scheduled to leave half an hour ago."

"One, our jet babe. Two can't you read over that stuff and give my okay with it on whatever you decide. Also, the jet won't leave without me. What's the point of having a private jet if it leaves without its owner?"

"Uh, no. I do most of your CEO shit anyways. By the way, Larry called about having another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings. Do you want it?"

"What do you think?"

Your opinion is very important to him. Even if it frustrates you to no end when Tony keeps nagging you about clothing or colors for one of the cars. He once upgraded J.A.R.V.I.S with new settings and wouldn't take "Whatever you think dear." Or "I don't care" as an answer.

Sometimes he'll do things that you don't know about till Pepper tells you. Or he ends up saying it while half-asleep or drunk.

There are almost no secrets in this relationship. It's scary how much trust they have with each other. Don't get me started on the honesty.

If you think one of his designs are shit, be prepared for an offended drama queen. In the end, he appreciates the feedback. People don't usually give him an opinion because they don't want to piss him off or say something bad.

"I think it's really overpriced, I believe that's because of you being a billionaire. So in the end, your choice."

"I need it. Tell Pepper to buy it and store it."

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