Lucifer Morningstar [Lucifer TV, Fox]

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In all honesty, you didn't know why you had tagged along. Was it boredom? Or the depressing fact that your show ended? Maybe you really wanted to spend time with Lucifer since you hadn't seen him lately? "Why am I here?" You question, finally deciding it was important enough to bring up.

"One, the doctor doesn't believe the devil has a wife and two, we're going on a date after this." He answers like it was a normal everyday thing while holding the door open for you. "Besides, I think it's necessary to show you why I come here. You get very dejected when I don't tell you about my problems."

Letting it sink in, you quickly reject the dejected part. "Besides, what kind of lover am I, if I can't hear out my husband's problems." Lucifer hits the buzzer as he turns back towards you.

"You very well get depressed over it. I've been married to you for how long now? I believe I would know."

"I just don't see it, I don't get dejected. It's been far too long, I gave up on counting awhile ago. I only know our anniversary's in human dates now." Before the devil could get another word in, the door opened.

"Hello, Lucifer." A blonde woman says, stepping away for the entrance to her desk.

"Good day doctor. Come along, [Y/n]." Walking in, you shut the door softly, taking a seat next to the ex-angel. It was quiet for a good minute, the women shifting her eyes from Lucifer to the other being and back to him. "Ah! Right! You haven't been introduced yet. Doctor, this is my wife [Y/n] Morningstar."

"Please to finally put a face to the name." You smile. The room instantly lit up.

"[Y/n], Dr. Linda Martin, the therapist I see when you aren't around or far too busy."

"Also when I'm really pissed off it seems." You add, knowing how you husband tended not to talk about his problems when you were mad. Another minute passed. "Dr. Martin, are you okay?"

Leaning forward, you take a few chocolates from the glass bowl as she lets out a quick set of apologies. "I'm just shocked, that, that-"

"She's my wife? Yes, I tend to the same conclusion every morning." Lucifer cuts off, making you snort with laughter.

"You're making it sound like I'm out of your league, Lu."

"Truth be told, you very well are. If it weren't for my sister, I wouldn't be a happily married and most likely, cursing myself for not being able to ask for your courtship."

"I'm going to have to disagree, my love, I believe it's the other way around." Your gaze shifts over to him, causing him to sit up straight, a stupid grin on his face.

"Oh my, you're giving my 'that' look. It's quite flattering."

"Sorry for breaking up the love feast, but, I do agree with Lucifer. It's something that would shock anyone. Though, I have to ask, is she also an angel?"

"Indeed, I am. Do you need proof?" You wonder, preparing to summon the wings. The Doctor was clearly surprised.

"Are you allowed too? I mean, I believe you but I would love to see."

"Of course I can. Who's going to stop me, Lucifer?" It wasn't even a question.

"Perhaps at the end, your wings only add to your image, my love. She's already stunned by your beauty." The devil mutters, pressing a kiss to his wife's head.

"I highly doubt that."

"No, he's right." Linda quickly spoke up. Even she was shocked by her sudden agreement. "You are absolutely gorgeous, [Y/n]."

"See? What did I tell you, [Nickname]." His attention went to the doctor. "Even back in heaven, she was considered one of the most beautiful creatures anyone could lay their eyes on."

"If you don't mind my asking, it's very intriguing, how did you meet? And how does the whole married thing work?"

"That's a story." Lucifer begins, getting comfortable as you devour more chocolates.

"How would we even begin that? Like, it's not marriage really, it's more of a soulmate thing. So for the rest of eternity and beyond that, our existence is combined. Even if one of us, somehow, is murdered from reality, we can't get remarried. For angels, it's forever and no redos are allowed. We're stuck together."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, my dear." He chuckles. "Now how we met? I can thank my sister, Azrael."

"The god of death?" The human inquired.

"Yes, but before father named her that, she was a priestess."

"And my best friend." You add. "I was a high ranking angel than most, so meeting Azrael was inevitable. Friendship wise, shouldn't have happened. We were far too different."

"[Y/n] was kind, Azrael was a real pain in the ass. Though I remember it like yesterday. Amenadiel and I were out looking for Azrael since she refused to bless some kind of ceremony. The last place we looked was the arena, where a certain someone, was sword-fighting with her. I guess you can call it love at first sight, [Y/n] has this ability to just brighten up the room with a smile and mixed with her personality and beauty, I was sold."

"Shocking as it sounds, we were flustered when it came to each other. I mean, straight up shit, you see in those romantic movies. We could not have a full conversation with each other without shuttering and having to run away mid-sentence. Azrael was the one who pushed us together, it hadn't been till we sang a duet together which caused us to start courting. If it wasn't for Azrael being a priestess, we wouldn't have been able to get married because of my father. "

The room went quiet as the story came to a finish. "Well, that....wasn't something I would expect with Satan. But it seems everyone gets a chance at a good love story." Linda claims.

"Now, let's stop talking about us and continue on to my current problems, shall we?" The devil states.

"Yes, right." You only shake your head at his forwardness. It was almost a regret when showing her your wings, who knew humans couldn't handle the view of divinity.

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