Being married to Tony Stark Include...Part 1 [Marvel, Ironman]

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You are literally one of his best friends. Before even dating, he would have to know you fairly well to give up his playboy ways.

Most likely getting married before the whole events of ironman.

Drinking competitions happen way too often.

Helping Pepper keep her sanity when Tony is being stubborn.

High probability that Obadiah didn't want y'all to get married. But Tony did it anyways.

As his wife, you know way more than you should. Like more than Obadiah and the board.

Sometimes it scares him, how much he loves you, which makes for really interesting, cheesy conversations.

You are the only one who can get into his lab when he locks himself in there. J.A.R.V.I.S knows better than to tell you no, you know how to hack his mainframe.

But you aren't a bitch, so you give Tony the space he wants when he needs it. Unless it involves majorly injuring himself like the idiot he can be.

People are hella jealous of you and constantly try to get interviews with the one and only [Y/n] Stark.

You reject them all.Often going with Tony to company meetings.

Sometimes, you tag along with the weapon demos before the events of Ironman.

Skipping out on the award ceremonies to go gambling and drinking alongside Tony.

Once you get past the point of tipsy, Tony doesn't let you leave his side. You do some stupid shit when your not in the right state of mind.

For the remainder of the night, you follow him around like a lost puppy, cheering when he manages to win. Or even getting involved with the gamble while taking a shot of whiskey.

"Party Crasher here." You whisper when seeing Rhodey walking over, rolling your last.

"Don't worry, babe. He can't be that upset." You just hum in response, taking one last shot.

Tony literally has to support you while walking out. It's passed off as his arms around your waist, pressed against his side.

Groaning as the reporter stops the couple, you manage to slip your way into the car without falling.

Having to interrupt their conversation, acting like he has a meeting in the morning, so y'all need to go.

Attempted car cuddles, cause you're drunk. Just you leaning your head on his shoulder, muttering about the events that just happened.

Kicking off your heels and almost breaking the glass happens too often.

He tries to help you undress. Keyword tries. The night ends with having sex.

Lots and lots of sex throughout the relationship. Mad? Sex. Had a fight? Makeup sex. Bored? Most likely going to have sex.

It never gets old though. Tony knows how to spice up the bedroom.

Also tons of cuddles, hugs, and kisses. Once a week, there is a day spent cuddling.

Being great friends with Pepper and Happy. J.A.R.V.I.S is your other best friend beside Tony.

"Mrs. Stark, your husband might need assistance. His stubbornness could possibly get him hurt."

"Heading down now. Unlock the lab doors if you would."

"Of course, Mrs.Stark."

Because Tony Stark is your husband, your closet is filled with fancy, cute and the latest fashion constantly. You don't get a say in that, he loves to spoil you.

Thanks to him, you have a pretty good sense of fashion, always getting comments about being cute and beautiful.

When Tony gets way to in a project, Pepper always goes to you for signatures and things about the company.

Midnight drives or driving in general with Tony is the fucking best. Cops don't bother pulling the Starks over.

There are times when he'll drive them somewhere high up and they just cuddle on the hood, talking about life and looking at the sunset/stars.

Most of the time, you sit in the lab, reading a book or watching your shows while he works.

This happens more often than people think but Tony helps make food.

J.A.R.V.I.S turns on a playlist, bringing up suggested recipes to make.

Eating out is only twice a week, unless it's date night.

More often times than not, the Starks midnight shopping if they have too. You really dislike people getting your groceries, so it's a road trip to the store. Wal-Mart and Winco are the main stories.

Midnight shopping also means, no one really jumps them with questions or pictures. It happens sometimes but that is inevitable.

Big fight rarely happen. Y'all try not to get mad and understand both sides of each other's story. But things will escalate. Which only means that they'll need time to cool off. Apologies happen sooner than later.

Every couple has the stupid little fights. This one is one of them. You fight with Tony over the stupidest shit. Like what kind of beer is better or why the cheaper brand tastes better than the expensive one.

Disagreements are inevitable as well, but it'll always come to an agreed decision cuz communication goes a long way.

You can literally be the most problematic significant other and Tony will still love you. Can't eat many foods? That's okay, he'll come to a conclusion with you. Have health problems? Don't worry, Tony will get you the help you need.

Good luck dragging his ass to bed. He can be a child when it comes to sleep and he's working on something important.

Any charity event or parties is almost always a nightmare for you. Mrs. Stark doesn't want to go but she doesn't get a choice. Till you get to the actual event it's your time to become a child and whine to him.

But in the end, you look beautiful and glamorous. 90% of the time you are by his side cuz you don't know who any of these people are. Why would you don't bother remembering? As Tony would say some people are just a pain to remember. No idea if he would actually say that.

Social media is huge in the relationship. He likes showing off. Y'all have the biggest streak possible on Snapchat.

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