Dating Lucifer Morningstar would include... [Lucifer TV, Fox]

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Sex. Lots and lots of Sex. Very pleasurable sex.
Kisses that will leave you wanting more.
Very interesting conversations that will sometimes turn into having sex.
Conversations would include: Flirting, Sarcastic and sassy comments, Jokes, and dirty talk.
Having intercourse almost everywhere and never knowing when the dirty is going to happen.
Most likely witnessing his true form more than a human should and accepting that form is a part of him.
Before burning his wings, you would be given a feather or two.
Never feeling lonely cause Lucifer won't allow his S/o to be alone. He's always somewhere close by.
Affection and PDA 24/7.
Arguments rarely happening.
No keeping secrets from each other. If he did something bad, he'll straight up tell his lover in hopes you won't be mad.
You are the only one who's allowed to touch his scars.
Being devoted to one another. But Lucifer is still a flirt, it's in his nature.
He'll take you out on cases much to Chloe's annoyance.
Finding out everything about his past and you telling him of yours.
Trying everything out together. Can include any type of kiss or sexual position or even going out to eat together.
Midnight drives might be a thing. You are one of the few people allowed to drive his car.
Pissing off his brother with him.
Many duets are sung together. He doesn't care if your bad or good, he just loves hearing your voice.
He'll certainly be surprised when your darkest desire is loving him and letting him know his loved.
Hickies everywhere. Even in blind spots. Many claiming marks.
Lucifer is extremely over protective of you.
Always being touch in some form. Depends on his mood if their sexual or not. There most likely going to be sexual.
You'll get some type of gifts every day.
He finds you really sexy in heels.
Being great friends with Mazikeen and making jokes with her.
Living in the penthouse with them.
Finding yourself standing up for Lucifer's honor whether it's to a priest or to someone trying to blame him for their actions. Someone's face could be slammed on a counter or table.
There would be nights of comfortable where he or you could be feeling down.
He's very self-conscious about his scars and feels blessed when you take the time to press kisses on them, saying how beautiful they look.
Slow dancing happens every now and then.
Wanting to punch his brother and actually doing it.
The "Oh my." from him after you do it.
Being the person who can instantly calm him down.

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