Chamomile Tea

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Note that I am still on hiatus. I decided to write a chapter because I felt bad for making you guys wait so long.

2:24 PM

John: Hey

Sera: Eyyy jonnie boy.

John: Never call me that again. I just cringed so much reading that text.

Sera: Fine fine. Sooo how is it going over at welston?

John: Blyke and Isen are being dumbasses as usual.

Sera: Reasonable.

John: How is that even reasonab- never mind. Okay so update me on what currently going on?

Sera: Well my sister took me there and said that it would take a bit for them to finished the medicine. But once they do they will mix the medicine into my blood stream by injecting it into my arm.

John: Oh. Do you know when it will be done?

Sera: Yeah they said tomorrow. I'll have to be kept in solitary confinement for a few days until they are 100% sure my ability is back because there may be some back fires or something may go wrong.

John: Okay. If they di anything sketchy text me.

Sera: Yeah I will! I gtg now. They have food ready so imma eat real quick

John: ok ttyl

Sera: ttyl :)

Sera has gone offline

John has gone offline

John POV

Thank god she is okay.

Knock knock knock

Who the hell is at my door?

"Who is it?" I grumble as I walk over to the door.

"FBI open up. BITCH I SAID, OPEN DA FUCK UP." I heard Isen yell from the other side

"Isen shut your goddamn mouth plebian." Arlos voice rang from behind my door.

I ended up opening the door.

"Where is she? Where is Sera?" Arlo said as he grabbed me by my tie.

I decided to make a joke to cut the tension.

"Woahhh, calm down Jamal don't pull out the nine."

Arlo threw me to the ground. "" He said in a "stern" voice even though he just sounded like a high pitched 12 year old boy.

"Her sister picked her up. Shes getting her powers back you asshole. If you don't believe me you can ask her yourself. Now will you kindly fuck off and get out of my dorm. Thank you." I said in a passive aggressive tone.

Arlo and Isen left and Arlo slammed the door.

A few minute later Isen knocks on my door.

I tell him to come in and sit down.

"Sorry. I'm sorry for the way the royals treated you. I'm sorry for everything we have done. I'm sorry for Arlo being mean. I'm sorry for everything. Everything I said... well I take it back." Isen blurted. I looked at Isen and he looked like he was about to cry.

"I accept your apology." I sigh.

"Wait what? I didn't think you actually would..." Isen says wiping away the tears. "Does this mean we can be friends?"

"I guess." I mumbled.

"Really? Thank you." Isen says as he smiles.

"Would you like some chamoille tea or coffee?" I ask, trying to be as kind as I possibly can.

"I don't really like chamomile tea so ill take the coffee."

"WHAT? HOW CAM YOU NOT LIKE CHAMOMILE TEA? ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?" I jokingly shout as we both burst out laughing.

"I've never actually tried it before and I'm scared of trying new things." He replied, wheezing as he tried to stop laughing.

"Lets both be honest here, the only thing you aren't scared of is pens. Anyway, you are not having coffee you are having chamomile tea." I say in a sassy voice.


After I was done making the the tea we sipped on it.

" I actually really like this" Isen said.

" Yeah no duh. This is the best tea that has ever graced planet Earth." I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"You're honestly a really nice guy once people get to know you!" The orange hair boy exclaimed.

I smiled a genuine smile. Those words stuck with me.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter because it was hard for me to write. I ended up having a really bad Tic Attack while writing so yeah...

Written: December 27th 2020
Published: December 27th 2020
Word Count: 707

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