Tidal Tuesday (part 1)

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"John! Wake- UP!"


"Hey! What was that for?" I growled as I sat up in and rubbed my head.

"We're going to the beach today, remembe
r?" Seraphina had got up from beside me and attempted to push be out of bed.

"Okay okay, fine. Calm down." I threw the covers off of me and went to my closet to grab my bag which had basic necessites in them such as sunscreen, a swimsuit, extra clothing, etc.

As I threw my a black t-shirt and grey cargo shorts, Seraphina's arms snaked around my waist and her head rested on my shoulder.


"Rei's picking everybody up in 15 minutes. Be ready." She silently walked out of the room.

I sighed as I sat on the floor. Wow.... I think I might go into Cardiac Arrest.


"Get in!" Rei called from the driver's seat as he drove up to the school campus.

"Cecile, in the passengers seat. Claire, Adrion and Elaine, In the row behind us. Remi, Blyke, and Isen in the last row." He pointed at us.

"Arlo, Seraphina, and John in the back open space with the cargo liner. I entrust you can all keep an eye on Remi when you're back there."

"Why do we have to sit where there's literally no seats? That's not safe." Arlo huffed.

"I know what I'm about to say is out of my character, Arlo. Fuck safety, let get on the road!"

"You heard him. Let's get in the mommy van!" Seraphina climbed into the back as Arlo and I followed her.

"I mean, hey. Atleast there's blankets back here." Arlo laid down on the floor.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road!" Rei enthusiastically yelled as Cecile pinched her head in annoyance.

"Kill me."


We've been driving for about 30 minutes in silence but that was soon broken by Blyke.

"John, why was Seraphina leaving your room this morning?" He asked as he flipped through his phone.

"Wait, did you guy's fuck or something?" Isen stared back at me with confusion.

I almost choked on my water.

"It'sthe song!" Remi practically jumped up in her seat with excitement. "REI, REI! IT'S THE SONG!"

Rei gasped as he turned up the radio as loud as possible.


"And I am a material girl...." Arlo mumbled along to the song.

"Material girl, and I get it from m-" Isen got cut off by Cecile.

"Wrong song, dipshit."


"What?" Claire yawned as she turned him.

"Okay, imagine this. 7th grade, sleepover at John's house when we forced him into one of your dresses and made him dance to this song."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"No way! Someone like John dancing to this song?" Elaine covered her mouth.

"I'd pay to see that!" Seraphina commented on the side.

"Well I actually filmed it." A smug expression plastered over Claire's face.

"You think that's funny?" I crossed my arms. "My dad walked in!"

The car went silent.

But then immediately switched to laughter again.

This was going to be a long ride.


Part 2 of this is going to be out sometime tomorrow.

Written: Feburary 10th- 15th
Published: Feburary 15th

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