💭Best Blurb Winners💭

35 1 9

Welcome, welcome, one and all to our hot cocoa celebration of our intro-pros

You've written the introductions, and we've read them. We were either captivated, or left wanting more.

You have all done amazing as writers, but we also want to thank our fabulous judge who really helped make this award what it should be. Please give djgraves01  lots of love in the comments for all their hard work 💭

And now for the results...

In third place we have "The Quest of the Destined" by Anora0901 with 33/50 points

(Please reach out to your judge for a more detailed review)


In second place we have "Unexpected" by triothethird with 38/50 points

(Please reach out to your judge for a more detailed review)


And in first place with 40/50 points we have... "If She Knew" by nabs_xoxo

(Please reach out to your judge for a more detailed review)


Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated in our first Awards! Winners, we will be contacting you over the next few days for you to claim your prizes 💭

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