Being With Remus

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We finally go to another magical alley and it's different from Diagon Alley. Remus looks around surprised.

"Remy I have to change the way I look, you never know if someone can notice me so I'll look like you okay" I look at him with a smile as I start to look like him. He just watched in wonder and starts laughing I can see the tears in his eyes starting to form. But I just hug him as to let know him know that I am always there for him no matter what happens.

"What should we do first cub?"
"Well first we need to get clothes and toys" I said since I wanted toys and never got to play with them since Aunt Petunia never let me. Remus just smiled and said okay picked me up since I didn't want to walk no more. I was happy I was in a toddlers body someone could always carry me around. After we got our clothes and toys for me we went to a bookstore that sells second hand books. Once we got there I started to look around everything was cheaper than the regular bookstore.

I looked around and saw a worker there and asked "Excuse me Miss are all the books here the same price or is there different prices for different books ?"

"Oh hello there and yes they are buy 6 of them for a gallon. But if you want more advance books they are 4 for a gallon."

"Okay thank you Miss I'll go tell my daddy since he also loves to read" I smiled at her and ran off the find Remus.

"Remy the books here are cheap we can buy a lot. The books for beginners is 6 for a gallon and advance books are 4 for a gallon. Now Remy let's go wild" I just started laughing and he did too. I got beginners books for everything and it was only 4 gallons and Remy got advance for everything also and 5 gallons the lady looked at us impressed of everything. Remy shrunk everything then we went home.

When we finally got home I could finally relax.

"Cub how are you doing really?"

I just looked at him and when he asked that question it was like the dam finally burst open. I just cried and cried until I exhausted myself. I fell asleep in Remus' arm and I wouldn't let him go not again. So he just slept with me.

~Next day~

When I woke up Remus was still with me I smiled knowing he would be up soon so I just waited. About 10 minutes later he woke up and said "Morning cub are you feeling better now ?"

"Yes I am thank you. How about you Remy are you okay ?"

"I'm okay cub I already grieved for them so I am here for you when you need me okay. You are still a kid remember that never forget it. You can have fun when you want to. You shouldn't be worried about adult things alright. And also remember that I am always here if you need anything or just need to talk okay"

"Okay. Let's go eat I'm hungry I've been waiting for you to wake up"

Remus just laughs at that and we get ready to eat. Then realization crossed his face as if he remembered something. Then he looked at me and asked "Cub you said something about a cure what is that about."

"Oh while I was with Aunt Petunia and since she never let me go nowhere I had the house elves bring me books about wolfs and potions about them so I started experimenting finding a cure for them and I found it. Well I found 2 different ones. And mostly I did it for you but since I know there a lot of who didn't want the bite I decided to sell it but with Gringotts."

"Okay what do these cures do ?"

"Well the first one completely takes away the wolf the only thing that remains is the advanced sight, smell and hearing. Other than that no more howling at the full more" I laugh a little at that. "The other one is you keep your wolf but rather than transforming or letting your wolf takeover during the full moon it becomes your animal form just like Paddy"

Remus just stared at me while everything was being absorbed by him. It took him a while to realize what I'm telling him. First he was impressed then looked at me in awe and now he looked happy.

Then he said "I'll take the one where I can keep Mooney. I've grown attached."

"Okay then we go to Gringotts and talk to Griphook and he can choose someone else to take the other cure. And you'll also be my guardian for real without no one saying anything since you won't be a werewolf no more" I got up and wrote a letter to let Griphook to choose someone since the full moon is next week and they can fully see the cure.

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