Reborn ?!?!

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All I remember was getting stabbed by my crazy ex and then dying.
Then all of a sudden I'm inside somewhere all wet and nasty. So I decided to wait and listen. I ended up hearing people.
"Lily so you think the baby is a boy or a girl ?"
"James I know for a fact it's a girl and her name will be Reina Estrella Potter-Black."
When I heard that all I thought was 'Oh shit I'm in Harry Potter' or 'Is Dumbledore evil here ?'

"James I do not trust Dumbledore so make sure to not tell him her name just tell him her name is Rose Potter for we do not know what he will do."

"Alright Lily I will and I don't trust him neither ever since he told us we speak to Remus anymore. At least we let him know what was going on and we cleansed all the potions Dumbledore gave him."

The more I listened the more excited I got. I'll get to take down the so called "Lord of the Light". I know they will die soon and since Dumbles is evil he will put compulsions and block my magical core. I will be put with the Dursleys and I will leave when I'm 3 so I can raise myself and completely get out of from under his thumb. Then I will ruin everything he set up.
I wonder if the goblins will help me ruin his plans.

" James get the mediwitch I'm having the baby !!!!"
James was panicking but did what he had to do.

Looks like I'm about to be born. Now let's have some fun in this new world. And maybe become Mistress of Death.

6 long hours later I was finally born.
" James call Remus and Siri over for them to meet her. "
"Alright. Also let's make Siri her godfather since we can't let Remus be it "
Everything went dark and I fell asleep.
"Siri, Moony I want you to meet your goddaughter Reina Estrella Potter-Black. But everyone else will think her name is Rose Potter."
"James !!!! She's adorable and look at her eyes they almost look like real emeralds" Said Sirius. "James is it okay that I'm here. I mean with Dumbledore and all" Remus said while trying not to panic.
James gave him an amused look and told him "We haven't told him she's born so we could let you see her first and so you can remember her smell since she's part of your pack if your golden eyes are something to go by."
James and Sirius just laughed at Remus' shocked face.

"It's fine Remus" said Lily from the other side of the door.
All 3 men entered the room with Reina.

(Reina's POV)
I opened my eyes again to look around and saw someone looking at me with a goofy smile.
I just stared and he stared back. When he blinked I started to laugh.
"James I think your baby just beat you and she's not even a day old " I heard someone say. Then I hear a lot of laughter.
I looked around and saw James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. I just stared at Remus and he stared at me and all of sudden I hear everyone gasp.
"She has the Black gene .... I'll make her my heir James since you know I can't have kids anyways."
I just started to laugh at everyone's face. Then I was feeling tired and fell asleep.

(3rd POV)
Everyone was still shocked of what just happened. Then Remus just laughed and everyone looked at him. He said "Reina just pranked all of us by doing that and fell asleep. " He kept laughing so hard tears began to come out and everyone just joined him in laughing.
"Well it's a good thing she's a Black also Siri" said James after everyone calmed down.
"Yeah that's true. But tell me James why do you want everyone to know her named is Rose Potter rather than Reina?"
"Well I have this feeling that we will not be in her life Dumbledore is going to do something. So we felt the need to not give out her real name" Lily said.
"But how will she know her true name" asked Remus
"When she turns 3 a note will appear in front of her telling her everything. But it will appear only when she's alone so no one else can't see also it will be blood locked just in case" James replied. Sirius and Remus left and then came Dumbledore.

Reina slept through the whole Dumbledore visit.
As time went on the Potter's realized that their baby was a genius.
Every time Peter came around she would make a rat and have her Grimm toy kill it with no remorse. Then one day James and Lily asked her why she did that and she replied " The rat is a traitor" and all of sudden her eyes went white and she said something that scared them "The so called Lord of the Light will destroy the Potters and Longbottoms just so he keep his fame. But Reina Estrella Potter-Black will destroy him and everything he has built right in front of him and she will avenge her parents once she does" The Potters looked shocked but since her eyes didn't change back they asked a question they wished they never asked. "What will happen to us and everyone we love?" "You will die by the self proclaimed Dark Lord because the 'Lord of the Light' fakes a prophecy that claims either your child or Longbottoms child is the one to destroy him. But that is not true Dumbledore wants to use your child so in the end he can kill her and claim your vaults and money" They looked shocked but she continued "He will send Hagrid after you die and Sirius is there and make him go after the traitor but they will make him go to Azkaban with no trial. Dumbledore will place compulsions and block her core. But at the age of 3 when she gets your letter she will go to the goblins and everything will be fine and she will find her soulmates."
They were shocked and scared. Reina then called her eyes and fell asleep.

"James go to the bank and make sure even if something happens to use and seals our will no one but Reina can touch the vaults. Also change the account manager I have a feeling he's been helping Dumbledore"

"Alright Lils I'll go right now"

(James POV)

I was shocked by everything but still went to the goblins.
"May I speak to Griphook"

"Hello Lord Potter. How may I help you?"
"Well I would like for you to be my account manager. Let's say the account manager now is working with someone to take all my money. You can check if you like" James said.
Griphook looked and saw he was right him was mad. He called another goblin and he went straight to the King of Goblins.
When he came back he said "I'm sorry Lord Potter you were correct. And he will be dealt with. Since that is done what can I do to you today"
I told him everything and everything was done I went home.

Reborn into Harry Potter and ....... what !?!Where stories live. Discover now