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He left on the doorstep with no warming charms or anything. He knows she doesn't like anything magical yet he leaves me here. I'm almost 3 anyways. Hopefully they'll put me in the cupboard and forget about me. Good thing my parents created a space for me to put all my things in and food.

These going to be a long 6 months.

~6 Months Later~

I'm finally turning 3. I fell asleep but I woke up to a letter from my parents it said:

Dear Little Star,
        If you are reading this then it means we are gone and Dumbledore left you with Petunia. Little Star remember we will always love you and we are always watching over you. We will always be proud of whatever you do. Even if you want to become a Dark Lady, we will always support you.
        Since you are reading this I want you to go to Gringotts ask to take an inheritance test and a test to see if that old goat put anything on you. If you do any blocks, compulsions or anything of sorts on you, you declare a blood feud with Albus Dumbledore. Make sure you ask the goblins his full name before you declare it. Also check the accounts you have. We have enrolled you in Salem Magical Academy in Italy. Since no one knows your true name no matter what Dumbledore tries to do, he can't force you to do anything but with the blood feud should he try anything directly or indirectly he will be punished by Lady Magic herself.
       Attached to this letter is our will knowing Dumbledore he must of sealed ours. So I want you to ask the goblins to send Amelia Bones a message for a meeting. In that meeting we want you to tell her that Padfoot is your godfather/ blood adopted father and that it is impossible for him to betray us. After you tell her that you show her our will. Make sure you ask if Sirius had a trial. But don't worry little star he will be out in no time. In the meantime write to Moony he will be with you through thick and thin. You are his cub after all. After Sirius is free you 3 go live in Italy you'll be safe there and you'll start school in no time.
     Your mother wants you to check out about Voldemort. If he can be saved then please do. We know it wasn't really him and it was Dumbledore. No babygirl we want you to bring him down and we know you do too. But please be safe and remember you are not alone.

     Baby this is your mother remember we love you and take good care of yourself and make sure no one brings you down. Also remember to have fun you are a kid.
      Now there's a portkey attached to the letter when you finish reading this and collect all your things active it it'll send you straight to Griphook's office. Don't worry he'll know what it's for.

We wish you luck baby. After this letter it'll probably hit you we are really gone but please don't break wait until you are with Moony he'll help you. Be safe Little Star. We love you. And may magic bless you forever.

Mum & Dad

After I read I really wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't and I wouldn't not until I had my family with me again.
I collected all of my belongings and activated the portkey and left that awful place once and for all. Never again will I come here.

~At Gringotts~

I felt like I was sucked into a tube.
I looked around and saw a goblin who I'm guessing is Griphook. All he said was "Hello Miss Potter I've been waiting for you"
"Hello Griphook it's a pleasure meeting you" I said. This is going to be a long meeting but it's for the best and I'll completely destroy Dumbledore and the empire he so called made.

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