bonus chapter

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i looked up at my parents with a smile and tightened my grip on my mother's hand as we made our way through the airport.

"come on nagito the flight should be boarding soon!" my father said.

"i'm coming father!" i said speeding up a little bit. it's not my fault i hadn't hit my growth spurt yet. we kept walking until we reached the gate, and waited in line to board.

"you ready to go home?" my mother asked, and i nodded. we weren't gone that long, but i missed home already.

"you get to ride in your own seat like a big kid too!" my father said.

"hey, i am a big kid!" i said in a playfully angry voice. i looked up, and we were at the front of the line. we eventually got to boarding, and my parents took two seats in the first row, and i ended up getting one behind them and off to the right. i guess it was the only one left. i sat down in my seat, and my father turned towards me and flashed a smile. he must've known that i felt nervous, but i guess the nervousness was fading away slowly. he turned back around in his seat to face my mother, and i looked around. i don't think anyone is gonna take the seat next to me. oh well, that's fine with me. after a while of just sitting there, the flight attendants announced that takeoff would be starting shortly. i rested my head against the back of my seat and closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
i was suddenly scared awake by the sound of screaming. i jumped, and looked around. i was still on the plane, and there were three men walking through the aisle pointing something at a woman not too many rows behind me.

a gun.

"please! please i don't want to die don't kill me!" she screamed. everyone else in the plane seemed equally as frightened. it took a minute, then i noticed my breathing speed up and my hands shaking. then, i heard the gunshot. i covered my mouth in terror, and people started screaming again.

"what the fuck is going on!?" a man yelled, standing up. one of the men with guns pointed his weapon at him, pulling the trigger. i quickly turned around in my seat, covering my ears as tears fell down my face. my body shook with fear and i saw out of the corner of my eye as they made their way towards the front of the plane. i held my head in my hands, covering my eyes so i couldn't see what was going on.

then i felt the plane start to shake,

i felt myself fall,

then i went unconscious.
i woke up with a splitting headache and a ringing in my ears. i looked at my surroundings, and realized i was still in the plane. i coughed, and felt the heat of fire. i shakily and quickly took off the seatbelt. i fell onto the ground, and immediately went to the next aisle.


"mother...? father..?" i choked out. this couldn't be real. there's no way.. i let out a sob, and tugged on what appeared to be my mother's arm.
"c-come on! w-we have to g-get out of h-here!" i looked towards the door and pushed it as hard as i could, failing to open it. i stood there, throwing myself against the door trying to open it. i then tried the door on the other side, finally getting that one open. i stumbled and fell onto the ground, sobbing even harder. i coughed and wrapped my arms around myself and watched as the plane continued to go up in flames.

"i'm sorry.." i whispered.


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