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"Iris, I'm not gone keep letting you disrespect me," Killa pushed my door open as I attempted to shut it on him

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"Iris, I'm not gone keep letting you disrespect me," Killa pushed my door open as I attempted to shut it on him.

"Then stop talking to me, it's that simple. You can't tell me what you had going on but expect me to walk on water for you when I'm really walking on eggshells. I'm just gonna get my shit and leave," I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed, looking over to him.

Kilante was leaned up against the jamb, looking at me with no true expression on his face. It was hard to read him. "You're not going anywhere, you and I both know that. And I don't need to tell you anything about what it is that I do. The less you know, the better,"

"Well, what if the law gets involved, then what?" I raised an eyebrow because there's honestly only two ways this can play out. He either dies or he goes to jail and I don't wanna see him go down either one of those paths so he was gonna have to let me know something.

"Like I said, the less you know the better. It doesn't matter what I do, you don't get to question me about my business and we talked about this. Don't think you get to overstep boundaries because I fuck with you. I don't need you or anybody taking advantage of me because that never ends well. I wanna let you in and tell you everything but this is for your protection, I can't let anything happen to you. So I'm keeping you in the smoke, cause if the cops do get involved you have an alibi as my assistant and that's it. They can't ask you anything else because you don't know shit," He explained and it made sense, I guess it was me being curious rather than cautious.

I could see the difference between us so clear now. I was fast-paced, anxious, and sometimes hotheaded. Kilante is the complete opposite. He's calm, logical, and I could tell he's playing chess and not checkers, I respect it.

Now, I just gotta play my cards right and either work with him or continue working against him for my greater good. And if I wanna play this right, I'm gonna have to keep him close. I'm not stupid but when I don't get my way I get in my feelings and that's something I'm gonna have to really work on.

"You're right," I nodded and looked over to him. One of the 48 Laws of Power is to make my 'master' feel like they are smart and more superior but only to a certain extent. So as long as I make him feel like the man he wants to be the easier it'll be to get the upper hand.

I do have feelings for Kilante, I can't deny that. I'm just gonna have to make up my mind with all the work I've been doing, I couldn't even think for myself.

"I need a vacation," I pursued my lips, hoping he'd let me get some fresh air on my own.

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "I'll let you have a few days off of work,"

"Damn, like that?" I felt my heart flutter at the sound of his voice. "What's the catch?"

"Boog gotta go with you," he gritted his teeth and let out a soft chuckle.

"You're kidding, I'll just stay here," I fixed myself on the bed and laid there looking up at him.

"He not that bad, maybe y'all can learn to get along," He winked at me and pressed his lips together. "I gotta go hop in the shower,"

"Okay," I said nodding and getting comfortable in my position.

I was preparing myself for a nap, but before I go down I turned on some music to keep my mind off of things. I let the 90's R&B radio on Pandora put me into my deep slumbler.

Before I closed my eyes completely I heard my phone buzz from across the room. I never got phone calls unless it was Killa or Boog. And we're all in the same house. I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to my dresser, picking up my phone.

It was a random and I was going to hang up immediately but my senses were pulling for me to answer.

I pressed the green icon and hovered the phone by my ear. "Hello?" I spoke in a neutral tone, I didn't know if this was a code switching moment or not.

"Hey, am I speaking with Iris?" I heard an all too familiar voice from earlier.

"This is she, may I ask who's calling?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked up at myself in my mirror.

"Hey, it's Lewis. We talked earlier and I wanted to see if you'd like to meet next week to discuss some things," his tone was way more professional and he spoke elegantly, unlike the party so I assumed he was with a different crowd of people.

"That sounds fine, what time and day were you thinking?" I adjurded and kept my eyes on myself, I was really looking at my face and body hoping I could pull of this modeling shit. Was this for me?

"I'll text all that information to you," He responded immediately after me.

I gained a bit suspicious but this was one of my weaknesses, not everybody is out to get me. I'm sure his intentions are pure especially since he's working with Kilante, who I assumed gave him my phone number. The two of them had business and if anything was to happen to me under Lewis' watch, Killa would handle that.

"Sounds good," I responded and went to end the call.

I was hoping to finally get my rest and nothing else seemed to be keeping me from that. I went back to my bed and got back in my comfortable position lying down and grabbing my white blanket, throwing it over my body.

It made my body warmer and that made it easier for me to sleep. I laid in fetus position as I closed my eyes and I felt my body grow heavier.


chapters will be longer in the future, i'm still doing a lot of shit behind the scenes of this story and others. follow my instagram @tidaempress to catch up on this story and more.

comment goal for this chapter is 65, spam comments don't count.

i love you all, peace ✨

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