Chapter 6

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Rachel and I wake up the next morning , and go downstairs to have breakfast with her dad’s. After breakfast Rachel showers first then gets ready for the day after she’s ready, I follow suit, I shower, and change into my dress for Sam’s services. After we are both ready we go pick up Kurt, and Blaine. We get to the house, and knock on the door, and Burt answers. “Come in girls, the boys are almost ready,” We both nod as Burt steps off to the side to let us in, Rachel, first then me. We go into the living room with Burt, we talk until the boys are ready, we say our goodbyes, and head to Sam’s services. When we get there I can tell everybody is shocked to see me, I can tell some are upset to see me. Why wouldn’t they be? I mean come on I show up to Sam’s services, but not Finn’s. I look around till I find Britt, she spots me to, and runs over. “Sanny,” “I know Britt I know,” I hold her as she cries. Once she settles down, she gives Kurt, Blaine, and Rachel hugs, I take her hand and together we go and say our final goodbyes to Sam. After we say our goodbyes I lead Britt to her seat, I try to go, so I can get to a seat in the back but Britt stops me. “Where are you going? I had seating reserved for everyone in Glee club up front,” ''I don’t think I’m wanted up here,” I say acknowledging the looks from the other former Glee club members. “ I don’t care, I want you right here next to me,” “Ok,” I take a seat next to Britt, as Rachel sits next to me, and Kurt, and Blaine behind us. The services start, and I honestly don’t remember much from it. After the wake we all get into our cars, and go home. Britt didn’t want the wake, and funeral on the same day so we are burying Same tomorrow. We all go back to Rachel's house, and hangout. “Ok guys, which dress for twommorr?” I ask as I hold up a solid black dress,and a navy blue dress. “I vote for the solid black one,” “Any objections to it?” There were none. “Did you guys see the way everyone was looking at me?” “Yeah but that's probably because they haven’t seen you since before-” “I know he who shall not be named,” “Wait Archie or Voldamort?” “Archie,” We talk, go get supper, and then Kurt, and Blaine drop Rachel, and I back off, and let us know that they would be back early tomorrow morning. Rachel,and I go to bed, after Kurt, and Blaine drop us off. We wake up, and the exact same thing we did yesterday before, Kurt, and Blaine come to get us. Once Kurt,and Blaine get to the house we leave we drive back to the church. Britt pulls me off to the side once we get there. “ Hey San I forgot to ask how far along are you?” “I’m eight months with twins,” “That’s so cool,” “Yeah you wanna feel their kicking a lot right now,” “Can I?” “Of course you can,” I took her hand and placed it where one of the twins was kicking. “That’s weird does it hurt?” “It did at first, but not so much now,” “ I can’t wait until my baby starts doing that,'' We continue talking until it’s time to head to the cemetery. After the cemetery, we all go back to Sam, and Britt’s place, for a small luncheon. Everybody else was talking, and I was sitting in the back by myself. I heard footsteps coming my way. I look up, and see Quinn. “ Hi,” “Hi,” “Why are you sitting back here all by yourself?” “The only people that have talked to me in the past two days, are Britt, Kurt, Rachel, and Blaine, everybody else is looking at my like I shouldn’t be here,” “And that’s because we find it strange because you basically fell off the face of the earth like three years ago, and suddenly you are back,” “ I know, and if this wasn’t happening right now I would explain why but it is so I can’t,” “ Hey you eat yet,” “No not yet,” “I’ll go make you a plate, you need to eat you barely ate breakfast,” “Ok,” Quinn gets up and leave. Rachel comes back a couple minutes later with my plate. She hands it to me then sits next to me. “How are you doing?” “Well, the only people that are talking to me are you Kurt, Blaine, and Britt, so there's that, the twins are very active so I hurt, but I’m doing ok,” “ I’m sorry honey we can leave if you want,” “No I wanna be here for Britt,” “Ok,” I finish my plate, Rachel takes it from me and goes get rid of it for me. After she leaves, Britt comes and sits next to me. “ What’s up, why are you sitting back here, everyone else is inside,” “ I’m not wanted here, and it is obvious, I get it. I disappeared for three years, but I have a reason,” “What reason is that?” “I can’t tell you not now, not with everything that's happening,” “Of course you can,” “Fine I was in an abusive relationship, and he controlled everything I did, he didn’t want me going out if I went out anywhere beside to my job he would hit m, if I didn’t answer his calls or texts right away he would hit me, so I have a reason for not being at Finn’s services, when I was only a couple months along I told him about the babies, and he beat me tell he got bored after he left the house, I limped to Kurt, Rachel, and Blaine's loft, bloody, and bruised, I got out four months ago, I was four months pregnant, that’s why I’m here now,” Little did I know everyone else was standing behind us listening.

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