Chapter 14

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Beeping is all I hear. Pain is all I feel. My eyes are heavy. I have to pry them open. When I do so the first thing I notice is my bump isn’t the same size as it was before the accident. I start pushing the blue call button beside my bed and repeatedly tell a nurse to come in. “My babies are they ok?” “Yeah perfectly fine and healthy we have them in the N.I.C.U for obsevation just because you were in a car accident before they were born,” “I need to see them,” “You need to rest and regain your strength,” “Lady I’m not joking find me away to see my babies I need to see them you don’t understand they are my miracles ok they are my first live babies  I’ve had two stillbirths I need to see them and I need to see them now,” “Let me page your doctor and we will see what he says,” “Ok can you tell me about the three other people I came in her with?” “Yeah you and the gentleman that was in the backseat with you walked away with minor injuries just like you and then the driver and passenger are both in comas last I heard it’s not looking good for them,” “Oh god has Blaine the gentleman that was in the backseat with me seen the babies yet?” “Yeah he has been up to see them almost every day,” “Everyday how long have I been out?” “Two days the doctor wanted to keep you under for a couple days so you had time to regain some of your strength,” “When can I see my babies,” “Once I check your incision site and do a couple other things can you tell me your full name please,” “Santana Diabla Lopez,” “And today’s date?” “I don’t know but I can tell you the day my accident happened,” “And what day was that?” “Veterans day my kids birthday November 11th take your pick just let me see my damn kids,” “Fine last question then I'll check your incision site then I'll have a nurse get you a wheelchair and wheel you up to the N.I.C.U to meet your babies," "Fine hit me with it," "Do you know who the president of the United States is?" " Wish I didn't but I do," "Very good lets see the incision site," I let him pull my gown up and check the incision site. “Incision site is healing nicely let’s get you up to see your babies,” The same nurse as before comes in with a wheelchair and she unhooks me from all the monitors and then helps me into the wheelchair. “Before we go see my babies can we go see Blaine?” “Yeah he may not be in his room he may be up with the babies but we will check his room,” “Awesome thanks,” “So how do you know each other?” “High-school glee club as cliche as it sounds,” “Really?” “Yeah and then when I Decided to leave my abusive fiance they were there for me and they meaning Blaine Kurt who was driving the car and Rachel who was the passenger we decided to become a polygamy relationship so that way if something were to happen to me my ex-fiance wouldn’t have a chance at getting custody of the twins,” “Wow alright this is Blaine’s room, and it looks like he isn’t in here so he must be up with the babies,” She pushed my wheelchair further down to the hall to the elevator she hit the up arrow when the doors opened she pushed me in then stepped in behind me she hit the fifth floor button we rid the elevator in silence just listing to the elevator music the elevator dinged and the door opened signaling that we had reached the fifth floor. “Alright here we are the N.I.C.U,” “I see Blaine can I wheel myself over?” “I don’t see why not,” I start rolling myself over to Blaine. “Hey how are they doing?” “Oh my god you're here you're ok,” “Yeah how are you doing?” “As well as can be expected,” “What’s that mean?” “The pronounced Kurt dead this morning his heart just stopped beating,” “Oh god,” “Yeah I don’t know what I’m gonna do San he was my rock I don’t know what I’m going to do without him,” “You are going to take it one day at a time,” “Yeah it’s going to be hard,” “You know what would make you feel better?” “What?” “Helping me hold one of my babies,” “Yeah it would alright which one do you want?” “I don’t know they both look so alike,” “Here have Blaire,and I'll grab Finn and stand by you so you can see them both,” “Alright,” Blaine grabs Blaire out of her incubator and handed her to me then he grabbed Finn from his and came and stood by me. “Alright babes this is your momma and she has prayed for you for so long,” “Blaine could you ask the nurse if we could take them back to my room?” “Of course baby,” He placed Finn in my other arm and walked over to the nurses station. I watched him talk to the nurse before I turned my attention back to my two miracles. “Alright the nurse said that it would be fine if we brought them to your room,” “Awsome you  wanna wheel us to Rachel’s room I know she is in a coma but I wanna see her,” “Yeah sure,” He unlocked the breaks and started wheeling us to the elevator he hit the up arrow and when the doors opened he backed inside pulling the wheelchair in with him. He hit the sixth floor button. “So what are we gonna do?” “I don’t know,” “Why don’t we talk once we get to my room after we see Rachel?” “Alright,” The elevator doors open and the first thing we hear is alarms blaring and an automated voice saying ‘code blue room 632 code blue room 632,” “That’s Rachel's room,” With that I knew that she probably was  gone. “Let’s go to my room,” Blaine pulled the wheelchair back into the elevator and hit the fourth floor button. “You know my room number?” “Yeah if I wasn’t with the twins I was with you baby,” “I didn’t know,” “Here we are my lady,” “Thank you kind sir,” “How are we gonna do this?” “Do what?” “Get me back in bed,” “I’ll get a nurse to help,” “Alright,” Blaine left the room and I started thinking of what was gonna happen I mean what were the chances of Blaine and I staying together I mean he only joined the polygamy relationship after Kurt and Rachel said they would. Blaine comes back in with the same nurse from earlier. “Hi again I’m so sorry I didn’t catch your name before,” “It’s Marrissa,” “Nice to meet you Marrissa,” “Do the N.I.C.U nurses know you took the babies?” “Yeah we got permission from them before we did so,” “Alright well they don’t need to be in the N.I.C.U anymore we just wanted them in there for a couple days so we could make sure the car accident didn’t have any affect on them,” “Did it?” “No not at all your daughter was born at 4:34 weighing five pounds six ounces and your son was born at 4:39 five minutes after his sister because his foot was stuck by your ribs and he came into this world weighing five pounds five ounces,” “So they are healthy?” “Yeah,” “Uh could you possible get an update on on Rachel Berry she is the other person in the car we went up to see her after we broke the twins out and we just heard ‘code blue room 632’which Blaine said was her room,”  “Of course let's get you into bed the babies probably will need a feed soon are you going to breastfeed,” “Yeah that is the plan,” “Alright Blaine why don’t you take one baby and then I’ll take the other do you think you could stand on your own,” “Yeah,” “Alright,” Marrissia took Finn and Blaine took Blaire. I stood up and climbed into bed. It was hard because my legs felt like I had been sitting on them for too long. But I did it. I got into bed and Marrissia handed me Finn, and Blaine handed me Blaire. “I’ll go see what I can find out about Rachel for you,” “Thank you,” “I’m gonna go make so phone calls I’ll be back,” They both left and I sat there with my two babies thinking that this was all a dream, no a nightmare and I was gonna wake up any second but it wasn’t it was all real.

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